Cooperation between Sales and Telephonemarketing

Cooperation Between Sales and Telemarketing

What does optimal cooperation between field sales and telemarketing look like? Is it still possible today?

In this article, you will learn about the nine important conditions for telemarketing and field sales to work together optimally.

The following conditions for good cooperation apply to external telemarketing agencies, freelancers in the field, and internal departments alike.

But now to some structural explanations:

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Predictive Sales

Why is internal data considered more reliable and easier to collect than external data?

Simply explained: Why internal data is better for predictive analytics in B2B.

Companies use sales forecast to make business decisions. They also employ them to predict future developments better than their competitors. However, reliable predictions are rare, and sales teams try to play a safe card by applying external forecasts. Companies are nevertheless better off using their in-house data - with predictive analytics.

"There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics." This quote from Benjamin Disraeli, a British statesman and 19th-century novelist, fits the situation in companies very well.
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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

AI Data Visualization for Advanced Sales Analytics

Understand your sales data and achieve a much higher business success through an intelligent visualization from Qymatix AI.

Sales Analytics Visualization

“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.” That is how Qymatix works. With only one sales data visualisation you can directly access all critical information available at any time: where are the Low-Hanging Fruits, Cross-Selling Quick Wins, Customers at Risk of Churning and Price Setting Potential. Sales managers are now able to implement and track the most appropriate sales KPI and to measure the overall status of existing customers, segmented turnover and profitability and new customer acquisition.

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Vertriebsleiter Gehalt

B2B Sales Manager Salary in Germany – How much are they doing?

What does a B2B sales manager actually earn?

The sales management profession accounts for one of the best paid in Germany. Sales managers earned an average of € 76.490 yearly gross salary in 2018, according to the website The site is a leading publication in the recruiting sector in Germany.

Most sales positions include a variable proportion. This proportion of a sales salary can represent between 10 and 80 % of the yearly gross remuneration. The attainment of revenue goals and KPI for sales usually determines the level of variable compensation in B2B.
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Warenkorbanalyse Excel mit einem apriori Algorithmus

Market Basket Analysis in Excel - Example for Cross-Selling in B2B

One Useful Example of Predictive Sales Analytics Using Excel

Cross-selling is the practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. Indeed, B2B companies define cross-selling in general and cross-selling analytics in particular, in many ways and with many names. One common naming used in retail or distribution is “market-basket-analytics”.

Most of us are familiar with cross-selling from our experience as online consumers. “Customers that bought X also bought Y” or “related products”. E-commerce websites make product suggestions based on a market basket analysis. The list of the possible suggestions is also known as “associating rules”. Marketing practitioners talk about “Buying Propensity”.

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Predictive Score Model Template

What is a Predictive Score Model in B2B Sales? How Can You Create Yours?

A predictive score model is a formula to calculate a probability.

There is a 70% chance that you will read this entire article. How do I know this? Because I used a predictive score model. The score is the probability of you reading to the end of the article (or one minus the likelihood that you will not – the exact opposite).

My example in the paragraph above is a well-known application of predictive analytics in marketing. The most common examples in business-to-business (B2B) sales are lead scoring, churn (or customer attrition), cross-selling, and pricing.

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Partnership Qymatix Predictive Sales and Orbis AG

New Partnership between Qymatix Solutions GmbH and ORBIS AG


Karlsruhe, 10.02.2022. Qymatix Solutions GmbH cooperates with ORBIS AG. ORBIS supports medium-sized companies as well as international corporations in the digitalization of their business processes. The goal of the partnership is to accelerate the adoption of new AI technologies with the Qymatix Predictive Sales Software. Artificial intelligence "out-of-the-box", instead of long AI projects.

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Five interesting Facts & Statistics About B2B Distribution


B2B Sales is changing because buyers are changing – mainly in the way they buy. Companies in B2B distribution are particularly affected by the changes in customer behaviour and their competitive environment. The shift in customer behaviour is the primary driven-factor behind the digitalisation of sales.

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How Predictive Analytics works and why it matters

How Predictive Sales Analytics Works and Why It Matters


AI-based programs help your sales team to sell products are services more efficiently. The programs make predictions about your customers' behaviour: who will churn? Who might pay a different price or buy an additional product?

The technology behind this is called "predictive analytics" or, in sales terms, "predictive sales analytics".

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Why is Predictive Sales Analytics a “Must-Have” to Increase Sales Productivity in Business-to-Business?

Predictive Sales Analytics is a Game-Changer in B2B.

Productivity in business-to-business (B2B) sales is simply defined as the output rate of a sales team, considering all direct costs and performance. Two trends that are drastically affecting sales productivity are sales analytics in general and predictive sales analytics in particular.

Sales analytics is since long an efficient method to measure what is working and what is not working in sales. This is then used to compare performances in order to increase revenues.

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