What we can learn from the most popular AI scandals

  With AI front and centre in our collective consciousness, it’s no surprise that it has also had its fair share…


The Future of B2B Wholesale: Predictive Analytics and ERP Data Mining

  AI-based predictive sales analytics and ERP data mining: technologies that help wholesale distributors increase…



Five interesting Facts & Statistics About B2B Distribution

  B2B Sales is changing because buyers are changing – mainly in the way they buy. Companies in B2B distribution…


Wholesale as a Success Factor: Modern Customer Relationship Management

  Wholesale distribution plays a critical role in the modern economy, linking manufacturers and retailers.…


Implementing and Using Dynamic Pricing in B2B: A Path to Thriving in the Digital Age

  AI in Wholesales and Industrial Distribution: The Winds of Change in B2B Sales. In the world of B2B sales,…


How to Use AI-Based Assistants in B2B Wholesale

  Read how AI-based assistants are taking wholesale sales to a new level and helping companies achieve their…


Black Box Trap Machine Learning

How to avoid the Causality Trap of Black-Box Machine Learning

  Sales Acceleration with Predictive Analytics Software: How to avoid The Causality Trap of Black-Box Machine…


What is Sales profitability

What is “return on sales” and how to improve it?

  Businesses looking to increase growth may find themselves asking, “What is ‘return on sales’, why is it…


Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der künstlichen Intelligenz

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  This article outlines the key stages in the history of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)…


Die Macht der Daten

B2B Predictive Analytics – Successful Data Management

How to make data work for your B2B sales team while avoiding common pitfalls in data management We can associate power…


Potential generative AI

How to use the Potential of Generative AI in B2B Business

  Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made fantastic progress in recent years and is increasingly…


Ist KI gefährlich

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) dangerous?

  As with any new technology, there will be experts that are for and against it. Today, we’ll explore the…
