New Technologies in Sales Mistakes

Five Mistakes in the Implementation of New Technologies (AI) in Sales

Introducing new technologies for B2B sales is not always easy. In this article, you will learn which mistakes you should avoid.

Joachim Meyn has many years of experience in B2B sales and has managed many projects in the area of CRM implementation. The following five mistakes when implementing new technologies are based on his experience.

This article is closely linked to my article on the acceptance of new technologies in sales.

This article applies not only to introducing new technologies in sales but also to introducing significant innovations or restructurings in all departments. In many companies, such processes run pretty smoothly, while in others, problems are on all fronts, and resistance is forming everywhere.

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Change of Perspective: Biases in B2B Sales

Why You are Not as Successful as You Think - Cognitive Biases in Everyday B2B Sales.


Do you f.e. know the "egocentric bias"? What perception disorders influence your (mis)success in B2B sales?

I'm pretty sure you won't like to hear some of the things in this article. However, my advice to you is: open your eyes and get through it! It will be worth it for you...

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Challenges Wholesale

Current Challenges in B2B Wholesale

Between supplier price pressure, supply chain problems and customer anger: Why wholesalers win with value-based customer management.

Many wholesalers are currently struggling with sudden increases in purchasing and cost prices as well as unprecedented restrictions on their own ability to deliver. This has consequences. According to a recent survey by the IFO Institute, 62.4% of wholesalers see the need to significantly increase sales prices in the near future.

In a press release, the Central Association of German Electrical Engineering Trades (ZVEH) angrily complains that orders for almost all relevant products can no longer be processed due to worsening supply bottlenecks in the wholesale trade.
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Dynamic Pricing Wholesale

Is Dynamic Pricing Optimization in B2B Wholesale Financeable?


Wholesale market leaders are investing a lot of resources and expertise in advanced AI technologies for pricing optimization to set their prices dynamically. How can medium-sized wholesale companies also benefit from dynamic pricing?

Optimizing pricing in B2B wholesale is a big topic. No wonder pricing has the greatest leverage on margins. In our private lives, we have all had experiences with dynamic pricing. For example, at peak times, Amazon changes some product prices up to 70 times a week.

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Wollschläger Company Building

The History and Downfall of a German Wholesale Company "Wollschläger" - Part 4


It continues with the last part of the story and the downfall of the wholesale company "Wollschläger". What can wholesale companies learn from this? Click here, if you have not read part 3 yet.

The history of Sanistål dates back to the mid-19th century when several Danish metal entrepreneurs joined forces through a series of mergers.

In 1853, A. Schjøth started his business in Vejle. Twelve years later, L.S. Lange started selling castings in Aalborg. He would later take over Schjøth’s business.

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History and downfall of a german wholeseller

The History and Downfall of a German Wholesale Company "Wollschläger" - Part 3

It continues with part 3 of the story and the downfall of the wholesale company "Wollschläger". What can wholesale companies learn from this? Click here, if you have not read part 2 yet.

As a company grows, integration, coordination, and profitability become critical. As a company grows, integration, coordination, and profitability become critical. You can sell more, and more, and more. If you are selling at a loss, you will soon run out of cash. Nonetheless, running out of money did not seem to be a problem in 2013 for Wollschläger.

Carsten Wollschläger, son of Frank, declared his family business “a real solid one”. And the past two decades seemed to prove him right. The Wollschläger group was 2013 a respected company in the Ruhr region and nationally.

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History and downfall of german wholesale company

The History and Downfall of a German Wholesale Company "Wollschläger" - Part 2


It continues with part 2 of the story and the downfall of the wholesale company "Wollschläger". What can wholesale companies learn from this? If you have not read part 1 yet, click here.

If acquiring an entire company (Essener Arbeitsschutz GmbH in 2007) was not a complex project already, the introduction of SAP (ERP, EWM, PI and BI) followed in 2009. In the same year, Haberstock left Hamburg for the headquarters in Bochum to work in controlling and in the e-procurement business area, under the name of fuxx4trade.

The Wollschläger Group now had 12 branches throughout Germany and employed over 600 people, including 130 sales field experts.

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b2b distribution company went down

The History and Downfall of a German Wholesale Company "Wollschläger" - Part 1

What are the lessons learned from the history of one of the largest wholesale companies from Germany that went down? This is part one of the extremely interesting history of the Wollschläger Group.

How one of the biggest German industrial distributors went down – 79 Years of the Wollschläger Group.

In 1961, a 14-year-old ambitious young individual, Frank, sat alone in a car near an industrial building. He was cold. The region around Bochum is chilly in winter, with temperatures below 5°C on average. Coming from Gdańsk (Danzig in German) two years ago, he was now waiting for his father.

Heinz Wollschläger, was a successful company founder and businessman visiting a new customer. He had founded his company in 1937, before Frank was born, in Danzig, close to the former Poland border. Like many entrepreneurs, his story began in a garage.

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Großhandel Eigenmarke B2B

Establishing Private Labels in the Wholesale sector: This is What Matters

The development of a private label can mean additional sales potential for wholesalers. But before this can happen, a few basic considerations are needed to ensure that the private label brand does not remain a slow seller.

When wholesalers decide to develop their own brand and include it in their product portfolio, they do so to differentiate themselves from the manufacturing industry. Their own brand or private label is then generally a product or a product range that the wholesaler offers under its own brand name and thus competes with branded products.

These private label products are usually cheaper than branded products because third-party products are more expensive to buy due to the manufacturers' additional sales and marketing costs.

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Handshake Robot Human

How To Achieve Acceptance of New Technologies in Sales?

Joachim Meyn worked in sales for many years and reports here on his experiences and learnings about the introduction and acceptance of new technologies in this area.

From the title, one could now deduce that sales has a problem with the acceptance of new technologies. But, new technologies and innovations are not accepted differently in sales than in other areas of the company.

In general, however, it must be considered here that Germany - like Austria - generally belongs to the so-called "late adopters.” In other words, new ideas and/or technologies/innovation are generally adopted more slowly and later than, for example, in the Anglo-Saxon countries. One can also say "when the whole thing has matured".
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