
What is the fuzz about Predictive Analytics? One example of B2B Sales will make you start today.

This predictive analytics example will surely make you uneasy about your sales costs today.

B2B sales went through several transformations in the past decade. Mobile is ubiquitous, CRM Systems are universal and “customer journey” achieved mainstream status. However, Predictive analytics is cutting a “before and after” in B2B sales.


The ability to make predictions radically changes sales in business-to-business (B2B). It brings enormous advantages to pricing, reduces churn and improves sales planning.
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How can a classic salesforce get started with predictive analytics?

In the future, it will be all about reading customer data correctly and drawing the right conclusions for customer strategy. That means a paradigm shift for the classic, contract-trimmed salesforce.

Is the classic field salesforce as known to companies and customers - slowly but surely - dying out? The digital transformation, currently the most critical driver of change, suggests this, and it has significant implications for B2B business and for internal processes.

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Kundenbindung statt Kundenabwanderung mit Qymatix

How to use Big Data to stop customer churn in B2B | Predicting Customer Churn

Sales leaders in business-to-business (B2B) organisations are under constant pressure to spot new business opportunities.

It is, however, a too often neglected fact, that some of their current customers will churn and recurring revenues will not return.

Besides attracting new customers, succesful B2B firms also direct their efforts into retaining existing ones.

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Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how well the sales goals are being met or will be met in the future.

Selecting the right set of key performance indicators is critical to the success of any sales organisation, in particular, those organisations aiming at future sales growth.

However, two main risks arise in the assessment of how well a B2B sales team is performing. First, B2B sales organisations tend to risk overloading their teams with too many KPIs, dashboards, and non-actionable data. Measuring an excess of performance indicators reduces the impact of each KPI, leads to confusion and lack of focus.

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Support of AI-based software solutions in the B2B sales process

An excerpt from Tamara Mayer’s bachelor thesis with a status quo analysis and recommendations for action.

Tamara Mayer is a graduate of the Landshut University of Applied Sciences and has dealt with the topic of artificial intelligence in B2B sales in her bachelor’s thesis. In the context of this thesis, she conducted several expert interviews - among others with the managing director of Qymatix Solutions GmbH Lucas Pedretti.

In the following excerpt of her work, Tamara Mayer gives concrete recommendations to companies who want to optimize their sales processes with AI.
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How To Make Sure Your Sales Team Is Recession-Proof?

A B2B Recession-Proof Salesforce can keep any company afloat.

Is there a global recession looming? Although there is much speculation about the next global recession, most advanced economies are still not feeling the pain. However, every boom has its expiration date.

When the next recession comes and not whether it comes seems to be the right question.

Set aside for a moment the discussion about global risks outside the control of most B2B managers. Let’s focus on the specific steps that sales executives can take to make their sales team recession-proof.

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Lead-Scoring with Predictive Analytics - Sell smarter!

How does AI-based predictive lead and customer scoring benefit your marketing and sales team over traditional methods?

Do you use your CRM system for your lead and customer evaluation and perhaps even with integrated marketing automation? You’re on the right track, but you can do even better: the next step is predictive lead and customer scoring.

Lead and customer scoring have been around for a long time and have proven itself: according to a study by MarketingSherpa, companies that used lead scoring models already achieved a lead generation ROI of 138% in 2011. This performance is almost double more than companies that do not use lead scoring methods (with an ROI of 78%).

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Predictive Analytics Blog – The Best of 2019

Es ist wieder soweit: Das Jahr neigt sich rasant dem Ende zu und wenn wir zurückschauen hat sich 2019 einiges bei Qymatix getan.

KI und maschinelles Lernen dringt immer weiter in die Unternehmenswelt in Deutschland vor. Das haben wir dieses Jahr – in positiver Weise – deutlich zu spüren bekommen! Spannende Projekte, neue Kooperationen und Interessenten haben uns dieses Jahr durchweg begleitet.

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5 Deadly Sentences A Sales Manager Should Never Pronounce

How to pronounce “analytics” in sales and keep your job.

Almost all sales managers hold a wisdom about their business. However, there are – at least - five fatal sentences an excellent Sales Manager should never say.

Your customers are changing. Is your sales team ready for the future? Are they prepared for a digital transformation? In this article, we would like to discuss five common misperceptions that, if unchecked, will cost you your sales management job.

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