Preispolitikanalyse und Kundenabwanderung

The relationship between customer churn and pricing analytics

Customer Churn Trigger Analysis: Why You cannot separate it of pricing.

Think for a moment of the last time you visited your favourite restaurant and had your favourite dish. In my case, it was an Argentinean filet together with a glass Rioja. How much did you pay? How much more will you spend in the future before stopping going altogether to that restaurant?

If you a regular patron of gastronomic premises, be a restaurant or a pub, you understand my point. You know that there is a certain price level where you would stop going to the place. Bear in mind that visiting a restaurant was commonplace before this current pandemic started and will return once it ends.
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Changemanagement b2b sales

The New-Normal in B2B Sales

New Year - New Normal? What has changed in B2B sales due to the Corona crisis, and what should you know about it? Learn the four most essential insights from the crisis year here.

The year 2020 was a turbulent year with many ups and downs that will go down in history and produced one thing above all: Change. A "new normal" (also: next-normal) was predicted early last year for the post-crisis period.

The findings from the first quarter of 2021 show that, of course, not everything in the company is different than it was before the Corona pandemic. However, new ways of working and thinking have developed over the past year. And they are changing many things, including B2B sales - for the better.

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Künstliche Intelligenz in KMU

Artificial intelligence for SMEs: 5 tips for implementation

A thought-out introduction and the appropriate use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring SMEs real added value.

When implementing AI or AI systems, SMEs should not rush into anything. The opportunities must also be recognized and internalized by employees. After that, you can introduce AI with a clear roadmap and the use of relevant data.

Investment by European startups in artificial intelligence (AI) is rising sharply. That is the conclusion of a recent study by management consultants Roland Berger. According to the survey, investments in the European AI ecosystem grow by up to 50 per cent annually. In 2019 alone, 218 artificial intelligence companies were founded in Germany.

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Predictive Sales Software Erkenntnisse

Five Facts from our Predictive Sales Software that you probably don't know

Here are five interesting facts we discovered while analyzing sales transactions of B2B companies.

Are you interested in learning from your sales data? Artificial intelligence makes sales teams truly data-driven, while offering exciting insights. Learn what other companies have discovered with us now!

How did we get to these interesting facts? Using our Predictive Sales-AI software. Our AI-based predictive sales software analyzes sales transaction data and generates accurate customer behaviour predictions (cross-selling potential, pricing, and churn risks).

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Predictive Analytics & Controlling - How to use it in B2B Sales

How the sales analytics tools you use impact your sales controlling.

Controlling sales in B2B is increasingly becoming a high-tech game. Since selling cycles in business-to-business are getting longer and sales is getting more expensive, controlling need to look further into the future.

Machine learning, a well-known example of weak artificial intelligence, represents a fantastic opportunity for improvement in B2B sales controlling and business intelligence. It enriches the world of sales analytics with a substantial competitive advantage.

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Qymatix Online Academy

Launch of Qymatix Online Academy Pilot

The Qymatix Online Academy goes online in pilot! All you need to know about artificial intelligence in B2B sales.

Karlsruhe, 11.03.2021. We are pleased to announce that we are now publicly releasing access to our Online Academy. The Qymatix Online Academy thus starts its pilot phase.

As a provider of AI-based predictive sales software, our experts deal with the collaboration of artificial intelligence (AI) and B2B sales on a daily basis.
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Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

Why using artificial intelligence in B2B sales is inexorable.

Would there be a B2B digital transformation without predictive analytics software?

What comes to mind when you think of Thomas Alva Edison? My first thought is still: The first inventor of the light bulb. And this, although a well-known fact, is not entirely true. He optimized it and thus made it suitable for mass use - but he didn't invent it.

Similarly, we credit Samuel Morse with having invented the electric telegraph. Morse did indeed independently develop and patented a recording electric telegraph in 1837. However, he was not alone. There were, in fact, five claimants, including the German physician, anatomist, and inventor Samuel Thomas von Sömmering.

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Predictive Analytics B2B Glaskugel

Why predictive analytics for CRM is not a magic ball

Learn what predictive analytics in b2b sales can and cannot do.

Predictive analytics enables companies to determine forecasts and probabilities of occurrence from customer data - you can visualise these forecasts in your CRM (Customer Relationsship Management System). The result is, for example, a sales target that you can probably achieve. However, many people make a mistake when interpreting these results.

In another blog article, I already described that managing directors and sales managers would like to know why certain events occur or not, why specific customers churn. Why one product does not sell or sells more difficult than another. Why a promising lead does not turn into a customer in the end and remains a non-binding contact.

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Predictive Analytics Fakten

Four facts about predictive analytics that you should know today

Predictive Analytics and AI - If you want to use this technology, you should first understand it.

If you keep up to date with new technologies, you have undoubtedly come across several professional articles about Predictive Analytics (PA).

According to the Harvard Business Review, experts agree that predictive analytics delivers a significant gain from your data: actionable information. Precise forecasts are the holy grail for sales decisions in the B2B sector.

But anyone who wants to use predictive analytics profitably should also understand it. For this reason, we have compiled four facts about PA that are often underestimated or ignored in practice.

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Vertriebreporting Software Qymatix

Qymatix expands its product portfolio with the acquisition of Qfigures Sales Reporting Software.

Qymatix acquires Qfigures.

Karlsruhe, 18.02.2021. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to increase customer lifetime value with sales analytics.
We are pleased to announce today the acquisition of the key assets of the former Qfigures GmbH.

The German company developed the Sales Reporting Software Qfigures. Qfigures enabled sales managers of medium-sized companies to analyse their past ERP sales data with just a few clicks.

Qfigures is now branded as Qymatix Reporting Software. It is a desktop application for Windows (from version 7) and Apple OSX (from version 10.6). The programme is compiled exclusively as a 64-bit version and is available to test.
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