KI gegen den Fachkräftemangel im Großhandel

How can AI help with labour shortage in B2B wholesale and manufacturing?

The importance of predictive sales software to address the skills shortage in Germany's specialist wholesale sector.

The shortage of skilled workers in Germany has reached alarming proportions and is particularly affecting the specialist wholesale trade. Sales managers and directors of specialist wholesalers in Germany are under great pressure as they face an acute shortage of skilled workers.

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Top 3 Predictive Analytics Software für den Großhandel

The Top 3 Predictive Sales Analytics Software for B2B Wholesalers in Germany

The rise of e-commerce has put much pressure on B2B wholesalers in Germany to optimize their sales strategies. With around 5,000 to 10,000 customers with 20,000 to 100,000 articles, it is challenging for wholesalers to predict customer behaviour, find the optimal price for each customer and profit from cross-selling chances.

That is why, for example, leading companies such as High Precision Components Witten GmbH, KIS Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Armbruster Engineering GmbH & Co. KG and X-Bond GmbH & Co. KG have created a research consortium together with the Chair of Industrial Sales and Service Engineering (ISSE) and the Sales Management Department (SMD) at RUB.
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Kundenabwanderung vorhersagen | Predicting Customer Churn

How to Predict Customer Churn in B2B with AI


For businesses selling ad-hoc, it's hard for companies to predict customer churn. That is in contrast to as-a-Service subscription-based businesses for whom identifying at-risk customers is more accessible right from the initial sign-up.

SaaS businesses benefit from constantly updated, deep, live client usage statistics in the free trial and beyond when they become subscribers. They build AI-based churn prediction models on historical data tracking how often clients log in and what features they use.
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Künstliche Intelligenz Software Entwicklungskosten

Artificial Intelligence Software Development: The True Costs.

The question is no longer "if" a B2B company will implement artificial intelligence (AI), but "how".

AI tools enable more efficient work in many areas. B2B sales is no exception. Artificial Intelligence Sales Software saves time, stress and costs, while improving customer lifetime value and experience.

Companies that do NOT adopt AI-powered tools will be significantly more inefficient than their competitors and will be left behind.

Since you are here, my guess is that your already know that. For that reason, let’s focus on the “make or buy” decision and park the benefits of AI-powered software in another article.

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Predictive Sales Software Erkenntnisse

Five Facts from our Predictive Sales Software that you probably don't know

Here are five interesting facts we discovered while analyzing sales transactions of B2B companies.

Are you interested in learning from your sales data? Artificial intelligence makes sales teams truly data-driven, while offering exciting insights. Learn what other companies have discovered with us now!

How did we get to these interesting facts? Using our Predictive Sales-AI software. Our AI-based predictive sales software analyzes sales transaction data and generates accurate customer behaviour predictions (cross-selling potential, pricing, and churn risks).

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