Four Machine Learning Applications Your B2B Sales Teams Might Be Using Today

Real life machine learning examples for B2B sales

Without any doubt, in the coming years, progress in machine learning, artificial intelligence and sales automation, will replace many of the time-consuming tasks of B2B salespeople. Your sales team is probably already using machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in sales does not mean that Terminator is applying for a sales job, no. It mainly means machine learning. Machine Learning (ML) is a part of what researchers call “narrow” or “weak” artificial intelligence. Neither “weak” or “narrow” sound much of a fighting robot. Weak AI uses software to solve specific problems better than humans.

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Vertriebsleiter über die neue B2B-Landschaft

What Salespeople Need to Know About the New B2B Landscape

“What Salespeople Need to Know About the New B2B Landscape” is a terrific article published in 2015 in the Harvard Business Review (HBR).

HBR released it in the background of a peaked interest in analytics and big data. It discussed how these new technologies would change the B2B sales profession.

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How to measure ROI of advanced sales analytics projects


Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the most popular evaluation metrics and performance measurement used in business analysis nowadays.

The ROI is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of any financial investment, in this case, advanced sales analytics projects and software.

Predictive analytics applies mathematical methods and techniques from data mining, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to make predictions.

Predictive Sales Analytics is used nowadays in applications such as lead scoring, pricing analytics, churn risk analysis and cross-selling, among others.

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Predictive Analytics Blog – The Best of 2018

Die beliebtesten Artikel im Qymatix Sales Analytics Blog im Jahr 2018 - von Kätzchen zitiert.

Gegen Ende eines jeden Jahres listen wir in einem speziellen Beitrag die meistgelesenen Artikel unseres Blogs auf. "Best-of-the-year des Predictive Sales Analytics Blogs von Qymatix", wie er in Deutschland inzwischen allgemein bekannt ist.

Da künstliche Intelligenz bald die Welt erobern wird und wir alle arbeitslos werden, haben wir beschlossen, diesmal das Format zu ändern. Wir lassen lustige, süße Kätzchen unsere meistgelesenen Artikel des Jahres zitieren. Es sind keine Bongo-Katzen, sondern echte.

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predictive analytics in construction

Predictive Analytics in B2B E-commerce: A customer acquisition example

Predictive Analytics - Opportunities for new customer acquisition in B2B e-commerce using the example of an Austrian construction supplier.Mr Haunschmid, please introduce yourself to our readers.My name is Thomas Haunschmid, and I live in Lower Austria.

As "Business Manager E-commerce" I work daily with new trends and strategies to improve and optimise the buying experience of our B2B customers.

There is one trend that Business Managers cannot avoid in E-Commerce these days: the systematic use of data to optimise product and sales strategies.

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B2B Vertriebsgebiete

Sales Territory Design


It is a common practice for sales teams in B2B to be organised around geographical regions. Furthermore, successful Key Account Managers spend significant time on the road, visiting key customers, new leads and closing deals.

Key Account Managers are probably one of the most expensive resources your company has. Great sales leaders help their salespeople plan the road trips based on predictive sales analytics.

To perform this job, you will be looking to answer all or some of the following questions:

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predictive analytics api

Qymatix has an application programming interface (API)


Since this summer, Qymatix is offering an application programming interface (API). This is a library of queries that allows users to connect with Qymatix Sales Analytics tool.

The Qymatix REST API enables advanced users and developers to access Qymatix functions without having to login into the Qymatix web app. Using the API, users can get customers data and results of sales data analysis and indicators from its advanced sales analytics.

Qymatix reporting API provides access to the tabular data in Qymatix Sales Analytics standard reports. To access data and results, you need to create a query that specifies the profile (through a token) and the query you want to run.

Qymatix API for ERP Cloud Data

To get started with Qymatix API, you first need to be registered in Qymatix. Once registered and logged in, you can access the API from here.

Now users and developers can connect sales data from other enterprise resources planning systems (ERP).


Do you have any further questions on predictive ERP? We are happy to help!



Qymatix is now a proud member of the SAP® PartnerEdge® Program.


Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales analytics in their SAP world.

Karlsruhe, 19.07.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to grow faster using predictive sales analytics.

To reduce customer churn, discover cross- and up-selling opportunities, and enforce pricing policy, sales executives need today access to advanced predictive analytics models.

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How a Poor Lead Scoring Methodology is Hurting your Business.

Classic Pipeline Management & Lead Scoring vs Predictive Analytics

Sales in Business-to-Business is dramatically changing. Personal contacts and relationships are no longer a guarantee for more business. Pure push strategies are losing its shine. Marketing is critical than ever.

The balance of power between buyers and sales representatives has gone all the way back. Buyers are now masters of product search and vendor selection. Competition? Ubiquitous.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Analytics is now publicly available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace and Microsoft AppSource


How can you implement predictive sales analytics in your Microsoft Dynamics CRM and ERP-Software?

Karlsruhe, 06.07.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to become more efficient using predictive sales analytics.

To implement cross- and up-selling strategies, reduce customer churn and enforce pricing policy, sales leaders need today access to sophisticated predictive analytics models.

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