It is a common practice for sales teams in B2B to be organised around geographical regions. Furthermore, successful Key Account Managers spend significant time on the road, visiting key customers, new leads and closing deals.
Key Account Managers are probably one of the most expensive resources your company has. Great sales leaders help their salespeople plan the road trips based on predictive sales analytics.
To perform this job, you will be looking to answer all or some of the following questions:
– How can I be sure we are allocating the right resources to each of our regions?
– How should I assign responsibility for customers and prospects to salespeople to maximise coverage?
– How can I help my sales force to improve their road trips?
– How can my sales team pay more attention to unknown opportunities depending on location?
Sales Territory with Qymatix
To answer those questions, you need to access the Qymatix region’s view. Here you will find a map with four icons and a zoom control.
You can first geo-locate on the map the customers of your organisation. If you click on each of the map markers, a customer card with advanced sales analytics will appear on each account.
Qymatix Expert Tip: Ask your Sales Rep at the beginning of every week where are they heading and review together the expected results.
Locating our accounts on a map will help you to successfully organise a sales road trip, based on the results of fact-based data analysis, instead of an ad-hoc “I was close, so I dropped by”. Want a tip? Ask your Sales Rep at the beginning of every week where are they heading and review together the expected results. Are they actively planning the visits or just reacting to unhappy customers’ calls?
How to optimize your Sales Route
Another useful example: imagine your Key Account Manager needs to visit a particular customer in a certain city. Click on the navigation icon to choose a sales route (for example between two cities).
Then discuss together which customers are on the way, by clicking on each icon. You can compare several of them, prioritise them based on sales potential or risk, and help your sales force to optimise their road trips.
If you click on the analysis icon, an advanced geographical analysis window will show up. This window provides you with an allocation analysis, based on the optimisation of a sales response function.
A sales response function is an advanced analytical function that assumes your sales rep could still visit some customers and sell more, up to a certain point.
Planning Process – Bottom-up / Top-Down
The allocation factor provided here should be taken as the trigger of an intent Bottom-Up and Top-Down sales planning process. That means repeating these exercises at the end of each month, together with your Key Account Managers, asking about their views and looking for customers with more potential or pricing inconsistencies.
Repeating this exercise will help you to achieve an Optimal Sales Resource Allocation.
If you are not sure whether your team is organising optimally, a nice trick here is to draw your sales regions with the help of the menu on your top left and compare them.