Industrial distribution: Identify potential for cross-selling with predictive analytics

How wholesalers and distributors recognize cross-selling potentials with predictive analytics.

Many manufacturers now sell their products directly to end consumers via web marketplaces. Unfortunately, wholesale trade and industrial distribution are coming under increasing pressure as a result.

Calculating cross-selling potentials using modern data mining can be a suitable strategy for keeping pace with the competition.

A glance at the analyses of the Federal Statistical Office shows that almost 90 % of Germans make online purchases at least once a year.

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The remarkable truth about Predictive Sales Analytics & Controlling

Is predictive sales analytics software the newest secret weapon in B2B?

No organisation will survive the next decade without harvesting the power of predictive sales analytics. However, many sales leaders in Business-to-Business (B2B) still lack the understanding of its benefits or the infrastructure they need.

Some ignore the value of their sales data, languishing unused in their ERP and CRM systems. Furthermore, B2B sales controllers are expected to gather an ever-increasing amount of sales data for their sales leaders to neglect value extraction. Moreover, there is no value in the data if it is not used to improve revenues.

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predictive analytics in construction

Predictive Analytics in B2B E-commerce: A customer acquisition example

Predictive Analytics - Opportunities for new customer acquisition in B2B e-commerce using the example of an Austrian construction supplier.Mr Haunschmid, please introduce yourself to our readers.My name is Thomas Haunschmid, and I live in Lower Austria.

As "Business Manager E-commerce" I work daily with new trends and strategies to improve and optimise the buying experience of our B2B customers.

There is one trend that Business Managers cannot avoid in E-Commerce these days: the systematic use of data to optimise product and sales strategies.

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