Sales Reporting Software

What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today

Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B.

Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations. Companies can no longer underestimate its importance.

The sales reporting should include the most critical key performance indicators (KPI) of the sales force. You should reduce the number of KPI to the minimum possible.

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Umsatzrentabilität B2B steigern

How to calculate and increase return on sales with predictive analytics?

How can B2B manufacturing and distribution increase return on sales (ROS) using strategic sales controlling and predictive sales?

Is there a sales and marketing KPI that manufacturing and industrial distribution companies can use to measure the efficiency of their teams? Yes, there is, The Return on Sales or ROS.

Sales executives also define ROS as a net profit rate. It tells a company how much of every dollar it takes in turns into profit.
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Global Key Account Management in B2B

Global Key Account Management in B2B Medium-sized Businesses - Part Two

This article has been produced in cooperation with Interim Manger Ralf H. Komor.
Basics for a successful implementation of a Global Key Account management strategy in B2B medium-sized businesses.

The second part is fully dedicated to the implementation of a GAM strategy and what needs to be considered. What happened so far: The first part of our Global Key Account Management Strategy dealt with the specific tasks and goals of successful global management.

Based on four criteria, you can see whether an introduction is worthwhile for your own company. You also learned which of your accounts are suitable GAM candidates.
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Global Key Account Management in B2B

Global Key Account Management in B2B Medium-sized Businesses - Part 1

This article has been produced in cooperation with Interim Manger Ralf H. Komor.
Basics every Key Account Manager should know, for a successful introduction of a Global Key Account management strategy in B2B medium-sized business.

Customers are the ones driving the current trends in B2B sales, especially in the SME sector. This course owes to the fact that medium-sized businesses follow, in turn, their clients out into the world.

However, this creates a new situation for suppliers with numerous challenges: they need to adjust and negotiate different prices at country level, offer worldwide support, and need to adapt to the global procurement strategy of their customers. Furthermore, they should make the most significant possible profit from this auspicious situation.

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Sales Acceleration mit Qymatix Predictive Analytics Software

Qymatix Selected for the Official German Accelerator Program

Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales and artificial intelligence.

Karlsruhe, 28.10.2020. The German Accelerator has selected Qymatix Solutions GmbH for its namesake program. Some well-know startups that took part in the accelerator are: Celonis, Data Virtuality, BrandMaker, Shopgate, and N26.

The Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) supports the German Accelerator and chooses companies with high international growth potential.

The aim of this program is to support promising start-ups to enter international markets. A faster and easier entry in new markets is a great chance for fast business development.

Qymatix Solutions GmbH has now access to the wide network, partners and investors of the German Accelerator.

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Customer Analytics, Kundenanalyse, Kundenwert

Predictive Customer Analytics: From customer analysis to customer value

Customer analytics with predictive analytics can provide valuable information for sales activities.

Do you really know your customers - and not only the large-scale customers? Successful Customer Analytics should provide you with all the critical information about your customers. What are their preferences? How do they shop?

Using customer data, predictive analytics can determine individual opportunities for offers and subsequently determine the value of a customer.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software in Microsoft for Startups Program

Qymatix selected for “Microsoft for Startups Program”

Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales and artificial intelligence.

Karlsruhe, 07.10.2020. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is now part of Microsoft for Startups Program. It is a global program dedicated to helping B2B startups successfully scalea their companies.

Microsoft for Startups provides your company with product, sales and technical resources to help get you started with Predictive Sales in Azure and accelerate your growth.

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Trends im B2B Vertrieb 2020 und 2021

B2B-Trends 2020/21: The Top 6 in Sales

Whether digital platforms, AI or chatbots. In the future, B2B sales must deal with these six critical trends.

Experts guess every year what the next hot B2B trends will be. Artificial intelligence is on the main scenario now, for B2B sales and its future development potential.

We have looked at several studies and sources and have summarized the top six you should know now.

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Qymatix Release Predictive Sales Software

Qymatix Summer Release: New version of its predictive sales software.

Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Predictive Sales Analytics from Qymatix AI: Qymatix takes B2B sales to a new level with the latest version of its predictive sales software.

Karlsruhe, 17.09.2020: The future of Sales? Qymatix is releasing a new version of its Software-as-a-Service Predictive Sales Tool using advanced data mining, machine learning and the latest data visualisation technology.

Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping companies to increase customer lifetime value using predictive sales analytics and artificial intelligence.

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Key Metrics for Successful B2B Sales Teams in Digital Times – Five Unmissable Tips with Examples

Sales productivity metrics and key performance indicators for B2B Sales teams.

Managing a sales team in B2B (Business-to-Business) is a challenging job. The endless list of task and responsibilities sales managers are getting nowadays makes it exciting and stressing at the same time.

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