B2B Unternehmen Predictive Sales Analytics

Why B2B companies need to start with predictive analytics now

Predictive analytics applications are essential in B2B companies but not yet urgent. Here you find out why this situation makes it the best time for B2B companies to start.

How far have AI and predictive analytics applications established themselves in the German B2B corporate world in 2021? Where is the trend heading, and what can we learn from the "Urgent-and-Important-Matrix"?

If you landed in this post, you probably know what predictive analytics (PA) is, how it relates to artificial intelligence and what benefits you can expect. If not, then we recommend reading this post first.
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Why is your ERP useless without AI?

Why is a legacy ERP becoming irrelevant in an AI era, and what can you do about it?

Let’s face it. In a few years, we will lose the battle against the terminator. Even without the help of a computer scientist, a sales manager recognizes that the near future will bring considerable changes in his profession - triggered by artificial intelligence (AI).


Soon machines will take over the job of a sales manager. There will be artificial thinking selling-machine more efficient than salespeople will ever be, thanks to artificial intelligence. The more data they gather, the better they get. Machines will soon take over. Brace yourself.

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Predictive Analytics with Excel

How Do You Do Predictive Analytics in Excel Without Rocket Science? The Easiest Sales Forecasting Template.

You know the problem entirely. You are using Excel for your sales forecast. Your spreadsheet reports your next quarter revenue, and you need a reliable result.

Accurately forecasting sales is critical for your job. You are an experienced sales manager and have a strong affinity to sales analytics. Only with precise sales forecasts can you negotiate healthier sales goals with your team and management.

With reliable sales predictions, you can improve your sales process and prioritize accounts.

How do you forecast sales today?

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Manipulation im Vertrieb

Sales Psychology: Why Manipulation is Out in Sales

B2B customers, in particular, are highly informed today. Salespeople should therefore think and act in a demand-oriented way.

The basis for this is customer and sales data. They show how customers currently feel about the company and what future sales opportunities there might be. Hard selling and manipulation in sales have no place here.

In principle, we have all experienced manipulation at some point. Manipulation occurs in everyday life in many ways and can refer to different things.
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Verkaufsprognosen erstellen

How to create accurate sales forecasts.

You will learn here what options are available for making sales forecasts - with good results.

If you work in (or with) sales at a B2B company, you have almost certainly been asked your opinion on future sales. Something like, "How much do you think you'll sell in the next quarter?"

Does that make sense? Do many salespeople's rough estimates produce good sales forecasts? Be curious.
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Artificial Intelligence Example to Rock Sales Controlling in B2B

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) hold the key to a tremendous improvement in sales controlling efficiency. A software is intelligent if it can solve problems independently and efficiently.


The degree of intelligence depends on the level of autonomy, the extent of complexity of the problem, and the efficiency of the problem-solving process. In artificial intelligence terms, researchers speak of “strong” versus “weak” AI - “general” and “narrow” AI, respectively.
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Sales & Operations Planning

The Five SALSA Principles of Effective Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is probably the most important planning process of any company. It will determine the difference between success and failure in the years to come.

Usually, the S&OP includes a list of open sales deals, an updated sales forecast, production plan, inventory plan, customer lead time (backlog) plan, new product development plan, strategic initiative plan and the resulting financial plan.


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Future of industrial distribution

The future of B2B industrial distribution in Germany.

Make the first steps to becoming a leader in the German market.

Germany and the US are two advanced, yet different industrial markets, with special sales and investment cycles. They have, however, plenty of parallels as developed economies.

Both are under the top largest in the world; built on years of intensive research, development, and industrial innovation. Similarly, the US and the German market is decentralized and varied, with interests and preferences differing from region to region.

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Digitaler Vertrieb Aufgaben

Digital sales: Your future tasks


As sales becomes increasingly digital, the question arises: What tasks can sales managers focus on in the future thanks to modern data analysis software?

Data, data, data. The modern "currency" in companies is also changing the tasks in sales.

It is common for sales managers to know that they should use their customer data effectively due to the competitive pressure emanating from the megatrend of digitalization. But how?

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Qymatix News 2021

Qymatix is now a proud member of „GoodFirms“

Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales and artificial intelligence.

Karlsruhe, 15.04.2021. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is now a verified company in "GoodFirms" and can be found through it.

GoodFirms includes a portfolio of high-performance IT companies and software solutions. The platform is intended to help software buyers or service seekers to decide on the most suitable software or company.
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