Wie wird Vertrieb in 50 Jahren funktionieren – Blick in die Zukunft

What type of B2B sales will still exist in 50 years?

Will sales jobs still exist in fifty years from now? Will robots take over all sales jobs? How will artificial intelligence redefine sales management? What long-term influence does digitisation have on B2B sales?

To discuss the future of sales, let's first present how companies made Business-to-Business sales 50 years ago and how it works today. Let’s then peep inside the crystal ball to see what sales (and marketing) can look like in the future.

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Großhandel als nächstes OPfer des eCommerce

E-commerce trends: why German wholesalers are the next victim of e-commerce

B2B E-commerce in Germany keeps growing – good or bad news?

The Business-to-Business wholesale trade in Germany and the world has changed considerably over the last years and has proven to be exceptionally flexible. It is under a growing threat, nevertheless.

Several trends underpin its transformation. New forms of industrial distribution are emerging, and big manufacturers offering e-commerce are choking the middle-guy. Wholesalers are creating tangible value for their customers while providing new services, not only logistic ones.

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exotic ai projects

Where is artificial intelligence science? Seven exotic artificial intelligence applications.

What can artificial intelligence do today? What projects are being worked on and researched? We will give you a brief insight about seven exotic AI applications from around the world.

As a provider of AI-supported software for B2B sales, our AI application is towards a small niche area. We are concerned in the technology and research related to artificial intelligence. What is already available in the market today?

For example, I'm always fascinated when I come across an exotic AI application. By "exotic", I mean AI applications that are particularly impressive, are being used in exciting areas, and are not as well-known as autonomous driving.

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Kosten B2B Vertrieb Leadgewinnung vs Bestandskunden

Customer Retention vs Customer Acqusition in B2B - What is More Expensive?

In this article, you will learn about an interesting B2B practice in which customer retention is contrasted with customer acquisition. What is more expensive?

In detail, distribution costs naturally differ from company to company. However, there are two steep theses in the generalization, which also appear again and again in the literature:
1. Acquiring a new customer is ten times as expensive as retaining an existing one.
2. In most cases (in B2B sales), the initial order from a new customer does not cover costs.

Interestingly, there are many citations for both theses in the literature on sales and marketing, but hardly any scientific studies.

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3 Gründe warum KI Projekte im B2B-Vertrieb scheitern

Why Projects using AI in B2B Sales fail and yours will too

Successful organizations do not underestimate the complexity and hidden costs of artificial intelligence (AI) projects.

Artificial intelligence (AI) for sales has become an arms race. Correctly employing it will separate the winners from the losers in Business-to-Business (B2B). There are, however, very high chances that your AI project will not deliver the promised ROI or will ultimately fail.

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AI in B2B Sales Studies

6 Facts from Studies on Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

In this post, you'll learn about six interesting findings from various studies on artificial intelligence in B2B sales.

According to a recent survey by Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V (bvik), almost all decision-makers (95%) are open to both new technologies and their organization's digital transformation, even after the crisis. Are you too?

If you've landed in this post, you may be considering how you can use artificial intelligence for your sales. You probably have a few basic questions first because just because you're open to technology doesn't mean you should rush into it, right?

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Verhalten im Umgang mit Algorithmen

Our paradoxical behaviour in dealing with algorithms

Human behaviour towards algorithms in everyday life, based on the book "Hello World - What algorithms can do and how they change our lives" by Hannah Fry.

A few words in advance about the book. Hannah Fry believes "Algorithms are everywhere, and it's time to understand them." A statement I agree with 100 per cent. And that's what her work is about.

The author manages to shed light on the world of algorithms in a very entertaining way and in easy words.
Each chapter starts with an exciting example from the real or fictional world to illustrate algorithms' aspects or problems.

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How to define customer churn in B2B?

B2B Churn Rate: Definition and Calculation.

Business-to-Business (B2B) companies depend on building and developing long-term relationships with their customers to be financially successful.

However, over time, some customers will stop buying or will defect to the competition. Sales managers define this situation as “churn” or “customer attrition”. Managing and reducing customer churn is one of the most important, yet sometimes overlooked job of the sales leader.
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How to improve margins in b2b

How to Drastically Improve Margins in Industrial Distribution with a Predictive Sales Software

Predictive Sales Analytics helps increase customer lifetime value in B2B distribution.

New customer behaviour and innovative technologies are having an impact on wholesale and distribution businesses worldwide. Manufacturers looking for more efficiency and customers demanding omnichannel experiences at the lowest price push companies to their limits.

The addition of these disruptive forces, partially enabled by new technologies, means substantial margin pressures.

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Verkaufsprognosen erstellen

How to create accurate sales forecasts.

You will learn here what options are available for making sales forecasts - with good results.

If you work in (or with) sales at a B2B company, you have almost certainly been asked your opinion on future sales. Something like, "How much do you think you'll sell in the next quarter?"

Does that make sense? Do many salespeople's rough estimates produce good sales forecasts? Be curious.
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