
Why is Predictive Sales Analytics a “Must-Have” to Increase Sales Productivity in Business-to-Business?

Predictive Sales Analytics is a Game-Changer in B2B.

Productivity in business-to-business (B2B) sales is simply defined as the output rate of a sales team, considering all direct costs and performance. Two trends that are drastically affecting sales productivity are sales analytics in general and predictive sales analytics in particular.

Sales analytics is since long an efficient method to measure what is working and what is not working in sales. This is then used to compare performances in order to increase revenues.

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10 interesting Facts & Statistics About Sales in B2B


Sales in Business-to-Business is quickly changing. Sales managers will not disappear, but many are struggling to adapt. Technology is making gains in sales controlling. Buyers have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Today, customers place a lot of their B2B purchases online.

How did we get here? Let’s review together some interesting facts and statistics about sales in B2B.

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Predictive Analytics in B2B: 3 Ideen für Vertriebsleiter

Are you a sales manager with Big Data? Here are three Predictive Analytics examples for B2B

With predictive analytics, big data becomes a big opportunity for B2B sales managers. This significant opportunity requires, however, a profound understanding of the sales situation, coupled with an understanding of big data mining models available.


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All About ERP Data Mining for Sales

Data Mining in ERP for Sales - All About It!

ERP Data Mining: what we learnt from analysing 100 million of B2B sales transactions.

Data mining is the application of a varied assortment of statistical techniques to ERP datasets. Companies nowadays use data mining to predict outcomes, identify sales trends, prevent customer churn, and dynamically adjust pricing strategies.

Mining enterprise resource planning (ERP) sales data is critical in Business-To-Business, where small improvements in sales efficiency can have a significant impact on results. Mining ERP sales data helps customers to unlock a significant amount of value, discover quick-wins, and to prioritise their sales activities. Automatizing this process is possible today with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

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Business Intelligence in Tools in B2B Sales: Make or Buy?

B2B sales intelligence - should you make or buy your tool?

With the cost of sales sky-rocketing and customers changing their buying behaviour, sales intelligence has become critical to the success of any company.

This situation is especially evident in Business-to-Business, where the cost of sales makes takes the top red of each income statement.
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Umsatzwachstum: Kundenbindung als Booster im B2B

Customer Attrition in B2B: loyalty as a sales growth booster

Predictive analytics for customer retention plays a critical role to accelerate sales in Business-to-Business.

Building customer loyalty successfully and efficiently is what makes business-to-business companies thriving on the long-term. These market leaders actively engage in customer retention prediction. In the end, reliability lives from common purpose, and not from passive “wait and see”.

Furthermore, for companies that are focused on achieving stable and foreseeable sales growth, B2B loyalty programs are unavoidable. Nobody can reliably grow a customer base in the absence of customer retention predictions.

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Sales Reporting Software

What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today

Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B.

Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations. Companies can no longer underestimate its importance.

The sales reporting should include the most critical key performance indicators (KPI) of the sales force. You should reduce the number of KPI to the minimum possible.

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Umsatzrentabilität B2B steigern

How to calculate and increase return on sales with predictive analytics?

How can B2B manufacturing and distribution increase return on sales (ROS) using strategic sales controlling and predictive sales?

Is there a sales and marketing KPI that manufacturing and industrial distribution companies can use to measure the efficiency of their teams? Yes, there is, The Return on Sales or ROS.

Sales executives also define ROS as a net profit rate. It tells a company how much of every dollar it takes in turns into profit.
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Sales Management in times of Artificial Intelligence – Five tips to redefine B2B Sales

Artificial intelligence in sales: our top five tips!

Sales processes, salespeople and sales management should adapt to the brave new world of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is taking over the administrative tasks that consume much of the managers’ time. It is doing it faster, better, and at a lower cost. It has pros and contras. AI will redefine management.

In B2B Sales, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationships Management (CRM) systems equipped with machine learning and automatized data mining features.

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B2B E-commerce Analytics: Why Predictive Analytics is now critical

Predictive Analytics in B2B e-commerce has become decisive.

The sale of products and services via B2B platforms is on the rise. However, precisely because of the intense competition for comparable offers there, companies should automatically analyze their customer data to enable a personalized customer experience and identify churn risks.

For private consumers, buying online is ubiquitous. The Business-to-Consumer (B2C) sector is dominated by e-commerce platforms such as

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