Artificial Intelligence in a Salesman of Construction Machinery

Artificial Intelligence in a Construction Machinery Company

Artificial intelligence technology can be used in a wide variety of areas. In this article, you will learn how AI was used in a mechanical engineering company.

I've already written a few posts on this blog about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in sales. Simply a fascinating topic for an old sales hand like me who has worked with several different CRM systems as well as sold AI systems.

For someone in sales, the area of predictive analytics is particularly interesting - an AI is able to predict sales opportunities. That's why I report on a specific case study below.
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Predictive Sales Analytics Excell

Predictive Sales Analytics in Excel? Yes, you could!

How to do predictive analysis in Excel: One Useful Example of Predictive Sales Analytics & Predictive Modeling in Excel

One of the critical tasks of a sales manager is to timely identify which opportunities have better chances of closing and what makes a “good” sales opportunity. Getting this job right is the essence of successful sales planning.

Key Account Managers in B2B typically serve hundreds of customers and oversee dozens of new and existing sales opportunities. They have limited time and represent one of the most valuable resources any company can have.

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Machine Learning B2B Companies

Four Situations Where you Should Not use Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a great technology. But does it really have to be used all the time? This post is about four situations where you shouldn't use machine learning.

There is (rightfully) a lot of hype around artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML). As we said, great technologies and use cases are emerging from it. You can also find many examples that use machine learning in our blog articles. But in which situations is machine learning not necessary?

Remember, there are always exceptions to the examples to come. However, your AI project will probably be five times more difficult if these examples apply.
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Artificial Intelligence in B2B Wholesale

Artificial intelligence in Retail - What can Wholesale Learn from Retail?

How is artificial intelligence (AI) being used in retail and what can wholesalers take away from it?

In this post, I will describe a real-world example of a case in the realm of artificial intelligence in B2C retail. You will learn about the opportunities and challenges that were encountered when using AI systems.

Of course, it is particularly interesting to see which factors can be transferred to B2B wholesale.

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KI Systeme Vertrieb

Will Artificial Intelligence be Picasso of Tomorrow?

Can Artificial Intelligence be creative?

The cover picture shows the faces of four people. One person does not exist - artificial intelligence (AI) created it. Can you guess who? Number 1, 2, 3 or 4? Read the article to the end and we will tell you.

Today we stray a bit from our usual focus on modern data analysis with predictive analytics and B2B sales. We dedicate ourselves to the question of whether artificial intelligence can be creative.

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Why a CRM System with Predictive Sales Analytics and AI?

CRM and Sales Analytics: In this article, you will learn what you can expect from a CRM system with artificial intelligence.

Using CRM systems have long been a common practice in large companies today, even if not always successfully implemented. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often still have some catching up to do.

Meanwhile, the next expansion stage has long been underway. Predictive sales analytics/artificial intelligence (AI) is being added to the CRM systems.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

AI Data Visualization for Advanced Sales Analytics

Understand your sales data and achieve a much higher business success through an intelligent visualization from Qymatix AI.

Sales Analytics Visualization

“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.” That is how Qymatix works. With only one sales data visualisation you can directly access all critical information available at any time: where are the Low-Hanging Fruits, Cross-Selling Quick Wins, Customers at Risk of Churning and Price Setting Potential. Sales managers are now able to implement and track the most appropriate sales KPI and to measure the overall status of existing customers, segmented turnover and profitability and new customer acquisition.

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Warenkorbanalyse Excel mit einem apriori Algorithmus

Market Basket Analysis in Excel - Example for Cross-Selling in B2B

One Useful Example of Predictive Sales Analytics Using Excel

Cross-selling is the practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. Indeed, B2B companies define cross-selling in general and cross-selling analytics in particular, in many ways and with many names. One common naming used in retail or distribution is “market-basket-analytics”.

Most of us are familiar with cross-selling from our experience as online consumers. “Customers that bought X also bought Y” or “related products”. E-commerce websites make product suggestions based on a market basket analysis. The list of the possible suggestions is also known as “associating rules”. Marketing practitioners talk about “Buying Propensity”.

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Why is Predictive Sales Analytics a “Must-Have” to Increase Sales Productivity in Business-to-Business?

Predictive Sales Analytics is a Game-Changer in B2B.

Productivity in business-to-business (B2B) sales is simply defined as the output rate of a sales team, considering all direct costs and performance. Two trends that are drastically affecting sales productivity are sales analytics in general and predictive sales analytics in particular.

Sales analytics is since long an efficient method to measure what is working and what is not working in sales. This is then used to compare performances in order to increase revenues.

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künstliche Intelligenz und Predictive Analytics im b2b vertrieb

Study: Automated, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based pricing versus Human-based pricing in B2B

To further explore the potential of automating the B2B salesperson’s pricing decisions.

You'll learn the results of a field experiment conducted by Yael Karlinsky-Shichor (School of Business at Northeastern) and Oded Netzer (Columbia University) to explore "Who makes better pricing decisions in B2B settings - humans or machines?"

We now know that algorithms and artificial intelligence are part of our daily lives. The general trust in systems like Google Maps is relatively high when looking at the number of users utilizing the platform.

Nevertheless, it often happens that we see a route suggestion that causes us to frown and think, "That seems weird to me. I don't think that's right."

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