Sales Reporting Software

What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today

Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B.

Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations. Companies can no longer underestimate its importance.

The sales reporting should include the most critical key performance indicators (KPI) of the sales force. You should reduce the number of KPI to the minimum possible.

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How B2B Data Analytics is Changing Sales

How Big Data and Advanced Analytics Are Revolutionizing Sales in B2B, and What Managers Should Know About It.

B2B customer buying experience is radically changing. This trend has led to dramatic changes in the sales profession over the past decade.

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change”, wrote Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in Frankenstein. Sales management in B2B is experiencing an abrupt and rapid transformation.

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Algorithmic Management in B2B Sales

Artificial Intelligence in Sales: B2B Algorithmic Management

Modern data-driven management in B2B sales is where Big Data meets Artificial Intelligence. Using AI for sales efficiency.

Although algorithmic management boasts a fancy, new name, managing a workforce using data is not necessarily a new postulate. Just remember that “The Principles of Scientific Management” were published by Frederick Taylor in 1911 and soon became a culprit of the data-driven management.

Algorithmic management is Taylorism in times of big data and artificial intelligence. It uses machine learning to manage and control workforces. Millions of people employ algorithmic management when ordering food, buying online or taking a cab. Millions of workers respond to algorithms. For some, the future of management, for others a depressing picture.
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Sales Management in times of Artificial Intelligence – Five tips to redefine B2B Sales

Artificial intelligence in sales: our top five tips!

Sales processes, salespeople and sales management should adapt to the brave new world of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is taking over the administrative tasks that consume much of the managers’ time. It is doing it faster, better, and at a lower cost. It has pros and contras. AI will redefine management.

In B2B Sales, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationships Management (CRM) systems equipped with machine learning and automatized data mining features.

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algo management future of sales

Why Algorithms Are The Future Of Sales Success

We put our lives in the hands of autopilots regularly. When are we trusting AI with our customer relationships?

Lawrence Sperry was the third son of Elmer Sperry, one of America’s most prolific inventors. Elmer filed 400 individual patents, more than twice the amount of Thomas Alva Edison. Father and son together not only invented together, but they also manufactured and sold their inventions through their companies too.

Lawrence invented the autopilot. He took one of his father’s most famous inventions, the gyrocompass, and developed an automatic flight control system.

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How can a classic salesforce get started with predictive analytics?

In the future, it will be all about reading customer data correctly and drawing the right conclusions for customer strategy. That means a paradigm shift for the classic, contract-trimmed salesforce.

Is the classic field salesforce as known to companies and customers - slowly but surely - dying out? The digital transformation, currently the most critical driver of change, suggests this, and it has significant implications for B2B business and for internal processes.

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Was Sie in den ersten 100 Tagen als neuer Vertriebsleiter beachten müssen

How to Master Your New Sales Management Job in the First 90 Days


90-day plan for a new B2B Sales Manager.

The first 90 days as a sales manager represents a critical period. It is your chance to make a good lasting impression and to change the status-quo in B2B sales teams.

Your team will be concerned, and you will be under stress. In this article, we want to share with you some ideas to successfully overcome this defining first quarter. We also want to show you how our predictive sales tools can help you.

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How to measure ROI of advanced sales analytics projects


Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the most popular evaluation metrics and performance measurement used in business analysis nowadays.

The ROI is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of any financial investment, in this case, advanced sales analytics projects and software.

Predictive analytics applies mathematical methods and techniques from data mining, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to make predictions.

Predictive Sales Analytics is used nowadays in applications such as lead scoring, pricing analytics, churn risk analysis and cross-selling, among others.

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How a Poor Lead Scoring Methodology is Hurting your Business.

Classic Pipeline Management & Lead Scoring vs Predictive Analytics

Sales in Business-to-Business is dramatically changing. Personal contacts and relationships are no longer a guarantee for more business. Pure push strategies are losing its shine. Marketing is critical than ever.

The balance of power between buyers and sales representatives has gone all the way back. Buyers are now masters of product search and vendor selection. Competition? Ubiquitous.

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