How to improve margins in b2b

How to Drastically Improve Margins in Industrial Distribution with a Predictive Sales Software

Predictive Sales Analytics helps increase customer lifetime value in B2B distribution.

New customer behaviour and innovative technologies are having an impact on wholesale and distribution businesses worldwide. Manufacturers looking for more efficiency and customers demanding omnichannel experiences at the lowest price push companies to their limits.

The addition of these disruptive forces, partially enabled by new technologies, means substantial margin pressures.

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Strength in price setting is your profit driver number one

The Impact of Pricing Analytics on your company earnings.

Everybody knows, B2B pricing analytics represents one of the most critical levers to boost earnings. Still, this reality is a sometimes-overlooked fact in Business-to-Business (B2B).

However, getting B2B pricing right can represent both financial success and substantial competitive advantage. Pricing is not only a driving factor in for-profits, but it also impacts how customers and markets perceive brands.
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How B2B Data Analytics is Changing Sales

How Big Data and Advanced Analytics Are Revolutionizing Sales in B2B, and What Managers Should Know About It.

B2B customer buying experience is radically changing. This trend has led to dramatic changes in the sales profession over the past decade.

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change”, wrote Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in Frankenstein. Sales management in B2B is experiencing an abrupt and rapid transformation.

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Algorithmic Management in B2B Sales

Artificial Intelligence in Sales: B2B Algorithmic Management

Modern data-driven management in B2B sales is where Big Data meets Artificial Intelligence. Using AI for sales efficiency.

Although algorithmic management boasts a fancy, new name, managing a workforce using data is not necessarily a new postulate. Just remember that “The Principles of Scientific Management” were published by Frederick Taylor in 1911 and soon became a culprit of the data-driven management.

Algorithmic management is Taylorism in times of big data and artificial intelligence. It uses machine learning to manage and control workforces. Millions of people employ algorithmic management when ordering food, buying online or taking a cab. Millions of workers respond to algorithms. For some, the future of management, for others a depressing picture.
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Industrial distribution: Identify potential for cross-selling with predictive analytics

How wholesalers and distributors recognize cross-selling potentials with predictive analytics.

Many manufacturers now sell their products directly to end consumers via web marketplaces. Unfortunately, wholesale trade and industrial distribution are coming under increasing pressure as a result.

Calculating cross-selling potentials using modern data mining can be a suitable strategy for keeping pace with the competition.

A glance at the analyses of the Federal Statistical Office shows that almost 90 % of Germans make online purchases at least once a year.

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How can a classic salesforce get started with predictive analytics?

In the future, it will be all about reading customer data correctly and drawing the right conclusions for customer strategy. That means a paradigm shift for the classic, contract-trimmed salesforce.

Is the classic field salesforce as known to companies and customers - slowly but surely - dying out? The digital transformation, currently the most critical driver of change, suggests this, and it has significant implications for B2B business and for internal processes.

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When is Artificial Intelligence Replacing my Sales Job?

Will Artificial intelligence replace your Sales Job?

We believe that automation and artificial intelligence simply replace jobs. They do not. They replace the skills and tasks of a making up a profession instead.

Therefore, if you are wondering when artificial intelligence is going to replace your sales job, you need to analyse which tasks and skills make it up. High-productivity jobs – such as B2B Sales Jobs – requires advanced skills such as decision making, problem-solving, and advanced analysis.

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