
Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how well the sales goals are being met or will be met in the future.

Selecting the right set of key performance indicators is critical to the success of any sales organisation, in particular, those organisations aiming at future sales growth.

However, two main risks arise in the assessment of how well a B2B sales team is performing. First, B2B sales organisations tend to risk overloading their teams with too many KPIs, dashboards, and non-actionable data. Measuring an excess of performance indicators reduces the impact of each KPI, leads to confusion and lack of focus.

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The remarkable truth about Predictive Sales Analytics & Controlling

Is predictive sales analytics software the newest secret weapon in B2B?

No organisation will survive the next decade without harvesting the power of predictive sales analytics. However, many sales leaders in Business-to-Business (B2B) still lack the understanding of its benefits or the infrastructure they need.

Some ignore the value of their sales data, languishing unused in their ERP and CRM systems. Furthermore, B2B sales controllers are expected to gather an ever-increasing amount of sales data for their sales leaders to neglect value extraction. Moreover, there is no value in the data if it is not used to improve revenues.

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Was Sie in den ersten 100 Tagen als neuer Vertriebsleiter beachten müssen

How to Master Your New Sales Management Job in the First 90 Days


90-day plan for a new B2B Sales Manager.

The first 90 days as a sales manager represents a critical period. It is your chance to make a good lasting impression and to change the status-quo in B2B sales teams.

Your team will be concerned, and you will be under stress. In this article, we want to share with you some ideas to successfully overcome this defining first quarter. We also want to show you how our predictive sales tools can help you.

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crm analytics

CRM Analytics – The Qymatix most effective three tips for B2B sales

Sales Analytics is changing the way sales teams work in B2B. Both Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems offer pro and cons for sales analytics. Some teams are already using machine learning for Predictive Sales Analytics from their ERP data; most are just implementing analytic in their CRM.

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How to measure ROI of advanced sales analytics projects


Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the most popular evaluation metrics and performance measurement used in business analysis nowadays.

The ROI is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of any financial investment, in this case, advanced sales analytics projects and software.

Predictive analytics applies mathematical methods and techniques from data mining, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to make predictions.

Predictive Sales Analytics is used nowadays in applications such as lead scoring, pricing analytics, churn risk analysis and cross-selling, among others.

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Predictive Sales Analytics Software | Qymatix Predictive Sales New Release


With the valuable input from partners and customers, Qymatix has released an improved version of its predictive sales analytics product.

The new version of the SaaS brings together extensive research in the field of predictive sales analytics and front-end usability. Sales leaders in Business-to-Business will benefit with an easy-to-use and easy to understand self-service predictive sales analytics software. Users do not need their IT department to perform advanced sales analytics and will no longer suffer “spreadsheet misery” during sales reporting.
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