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How to use Big Data to stop customer churn in B2B | Predicting Customer Churn

Sales leaders in business-to-business (B2B) organisations are under constant pressure to spot new business opportunities.

It is, however, a too often neglected fact, that some of their current customers will churn and recurring revenues will not return.

Besides attracting new customers, succesful B2B firms also direct their efforts into retaining existing ones.

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Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how well the sales goals are being met or will be met in the future.

Selecting the right set of key performance indicators is critical to the success of any sales organisation, in particular, those organisations aiming at future sales growth.

However, two main risks arise in the assessment of how well a B2B sales team is performing. First, B2B sales organisations tend to risk overloading their teams with too many KPIs, dashboards, and non-actionable data. Measuring an excess of performance indicators reduces the impact of each KPI, leads to confusion and lack of focus.

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Shakespeare is dead! Let machine learning bring intelligence to your text.

One first-hand example of predictive text scoring and sentiment analytics using machine learning.

We are always looking for a way to bring machine learning to ERP-Systems. Companies can apply a Predictive Scoring using Machine Learning to prioritize sales leads, discover cross-selling opportunities and to classify text.

To support the efforts of our B2B marketing team, we invested time and resources, developing a machine learning scoring system for our blog content.
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The remarkable truth about Predictive Sales Analytics & Controlling

Is predictive sales analytics software the newest secret weapon in B2B?

No organisation will survive the next decade without harvesting the power of predictive sales analytics. However, many sales leaders in Business-to-Business (B2B) still lack the understanding of its benefits or the infrastructure they need.

Some ignore the value of their sales data, languishing unused in their ERP and CRM systems. Furthermore, B2B sales controllers are expected to gather an ever-increasing amount of sales data for their sales leaders to neglect value extraction. Moreover, there is no value in the data if it is not used to improve revenues.

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Predictive Analytics CRM - A New CRM or Predictive Analytics? What comes first?

The top 3 reasons why successful companies avoid changing their CRM and use Predictive Analytics instead

Implementing a new Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) is a minefield for B2B companies. These projects tend to last longer than planned and cost more than budgeted. In many cases, they fail altogether.

CRM vendors are quick to oversell the utopian benefits of their solutions. Companies buy them in good faith without clear and measurable expectations.

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How to use software for customer churn to improve customer retention - Qymatix Example

Reduction of customer attrition by implementing a churn prediction software in your sales reporting

Understanding and avoiding customer churn ( or attrition) in Business-to-Business(B2B) organisations can make the difference between a successful financial year or a miserable one.

Every experienced sales leader knows that some customers will eventually churn. Studies in the field of customer retention talk of a 5 to 25 % customer churn per year, depending on the industry. Customer attrition is revenue lost.

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crm analytics

CRM Analytics – The Qymatix most effective three tips for B2B sales

Sales Analytics is changing the way sales teams work in B2B. Both Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems offer pro and cons for sales analytics. Some teams are already using machine learning for Predictive Sales Analytics from their ERP data; most are just implementing analytic in their CRM.

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Predictive analytics - how much data do you really need?

How Much Data Do You Need For Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics is one of the technologies with the highest financial impact in B2B sales. Several popular applications of predictive analytics are becoming “must-have” nowadays.

Sales leaders rely on lead scoring, customer attrition modelling, cross-selling analytics and pricing analytics to prioritise their sales activities and increase their customer lifetime value.

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The Top 5 ERP Sales Data Mining Techniques You Need in B2B Now


Pythia, priestess of Apollo at Delphi, commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi, was one of the most important oracles of Greek antiquity. In classical Greece, an oracle was a person considered to provide insightful advice or prophetic predictions, inspired by the gods. It was, of course, a form of divination.

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How to measure ROI of advanced sales analytics projects


Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the most popular evaluation metrics and performance measurement used in business analysis nowadays.

The ROI is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of any financial investment, in this case, advanced sales analytics projects and software.

Predictive analytics applies mathematical methods and techniques from data mining, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to make predictions.

Predictive Sales Analytics is used nowadays in applications such as lead scoring, pricing analytics, churn risk analysis and cross-selling, among others.

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