Vertriebsprognosen künstliche Intelligenz

How Artificial Intelligence improves Sales Forecasting

Creating and using AI sales forecasts is essential for any B2B company. It is also one of the most important tasks for sales managers who use sales forecasts for sales planning and strategy.

There are many ways to create sales forecasts. From sales rep surveys and estimates of future sales to rule-based Excel calculations or business intelligence applications. But the most unbeatable predictions use artificial intelligence. This article discusses why this is the case.

Roughly speaking, sales forecasts help companies gain some planning certainty in an uncertain future. The goal is to allocate resources efficiently, save money and costs and increase sales.
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Deep Learining und machine Learning

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning


Even before the advent of deep learning, we’ve been creating smarter processors that can help us do complex tasks like IBM Watson.

But now that machine learning has been divided into subsets, many of these terms get confused or conflated. Take deep learning vs machine learning; one is a part of the other, but often is thrown about interchangeably.
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Kundenabwanderung vorhersagen | Predicting Customer Churn

How to Predict Customer Churn in B2B with AI


For businesses selling ad-hoc, it's hard for companies to predict customer churn. That is in contrast to as-a-Service subscription-based businesses for whom identifying at-risk customers is more accessible right from the initial sign-up.

SaaS businesses benefit from constantly updated, deep, live client usage statistics in the free trial and beyond when they become subscribers. They build AI-based churn prediction models on historical data tracking how often clients log in and what features they use.
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Onlinekurs Implementierung KI-Assistent im Vertrieb

How to Implement AI-based Assistants in B2B Sales


You are considering implementing AI-based predictive analytics in your sales organisation. Are you convinced that this type of technology will give you a competitive advantage?

Then it is good to know what steps and what decisions you will have to make if you want to use an AI-based assistant in sales. AI enables you to make data-based decisions in sales. At the same time, AI-based assistants in sales do not replace sales staff. Instead, this type of technology supports and enhances the skills and capabilities of your team.

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Künstliche Intelligenz im Großhandel | AI in Wholesale

Artificial Intelligence in Wholesale

AI in Wholesale Distribution is a great opportunity and a challenge at the same time. In this article, learn about concrete use cases of AI in wholesale and their benefits.

Wholesale companies are an indispensable part of the economy. They represent an essential link between the economic levels of industry, trade, and retail. A quote from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung describes the situation of wholesale companies very well:

"The former pure delivery wholesale, which brought the goods of the industry to the retail trade, has become a modern service provider facing additional challenges. The modern wholesaler takes over warehousing, does shelf maintenance, acts as a lender and advises its retail customers on assortment issues."

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Predicting Pricing | Preispolitik mit KI

How to Improve your Pricing Policy with AI – Predicting Pricing


Most companies in the B2B sector have so far adjusted their prices based on factors such as production costs, competitive prices and supply and demand.

Especially in the current situation, both wholesalers and manufacturers are struggling with rising raw material prices. How can you pass on such a price increase without losing all your customers?

Dynamic pricing through AI-based predictive analytics, acts on a pricing strategy where companies can additionally adjust their prices for products and services based on the current customer and market situation. Thus, it is possible to make individual price adjustments per customer and product.

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Was bringt KI im Vertrieb

How does Artificial Intelligence help B2B Sales?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in sales: AI helps customers and is rapidly revolutionising the world of B2B sales.

With the ability of AI to analyse vast amounts of data and make complex predictions, AI has the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sales teams significantly.

In the coming years, advances in AI, machine learning and digitisation will replace many of the time-consuming tasks that sales teams are performing today. This game-changing trend will also affect sales management. AI will redefine sales management.
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Arten maschinelles Lernen | Types of machine learning

Types of machine learning (ML)

What is machine learning and what types of machine learning exist?

As part of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) is a subcategory interested in processing and learning from vast amounts of data. It does this to make predictions that can help performance improve around a specific goal. These goals could be around forecasting, associations, clusters, regression and more.

Today, we’ll review the different kinds of ML that exist, what they are best used for and any downsides to the algorithms in this 7-minute read.

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Onlinekurs Predicting Cross- & Up-Selling

How to Realise Sales Potential with Cross- & Up-Selling in B2B Sales.


Cross-selling (also known as cross-selling) the sale of an additional product or service to an existing customer. Targeted and individually adapted to the needs of the customer, cross-selling increases customer satisfaction and is a service-oriented way to increase turnover.

"Cross-selling" offers a possibility to use internal synergy potentials and to open up rapid, attractive growth opportunities.
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Top Problems in Wholesale Sales

The Top Challenges Facing the Wholesale Trade in Germany

What are the challenges faced by wholesalers in Germany from the point of view of their salespeople?

The wholesale trade in Germany is a vital sector of the economy, generating billions of euros in revenue per year. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the number of companies in wholesale trade (excluding trade in motor vehicles) in Germany has fallen continuously in recent times, most recently to around 135,000 in 2020. Turnover in wholesale trade also dropped this year to approximately 1.24 trillion euros.

SMEs represent around 99 % of all companies in wholesale in Germany. Among them, speciality wholesaling, also called specialist wholesaling, focuses on a specific product group and does not offer a wide range of products, as with assortment wholesaling.
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