Explainable, Responsible and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Explainable, Responsible and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence – What is behind?


Since June 2023, the "AI Act" has been taking shape. With the AI Regulation, the EU Parliament is for the first time planning a legal framework for the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) - also known as the "AI Act":

“The European AI strategy aims to make the EU a world-class hub for AI and ensure that AI is human-centric and trustworthy.” - European Comission.

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Machine Learning B2B Companies

Four Situations Where you Should Not use Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a great technology. But does it really have to be used all the time? This post is about four situations where you shouldn't use machine learning.

There is (rightfully) a lot of hype around artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML). As we said, great technologies and use cases are emerging from it. You can also find many examples that use machine learning in our blog articles. But in which situations is machine learning not necessary?

Remember, there are always exceptions to the examples to come. However, your AI project will probably be five times more difficult if these examples apply.
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Predictions by AI - Is Your Job in Danger?


Which Jobs Can be Taken Over by Artificial Intelligence?

We believe that the skills that mainly revolve around making predictions may be replaceable by machines. Is your job one of them? This blog article presents four implications of AI in the world of work, showing who needs to fear for their job and who can relax in the long run.

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exotic ai projects

Where is artificial intelligence science? Seven exotic artificial intelligence applications.

What can artificial intelligence do today? What projects are being worked on and researched? We will give you a brief insight about seven exotic AI applications from around the world.

As a provider of AI-supported software for B2B sales, our AI application is towards a small niche area. We are concerned in the technology and research related to artificial intelligence. What is already available in the market today?

For example, I'm always fascinated when I come across an exotic AI application. By "exotic", I mean AI applications that are particularly impressive, are being used in exciting areas, and are not as well-known as autonomous driving.

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AI in B2B Sales Studies

6 Facts from Studies on Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

In this post, you'll learn about six interesting findings from various studies on artificial intelligence in B2B sales.

According to a recent survey by Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V (bvik), almost all decision-makers (95%) are open to both new technologies and their organization's digital transformation, even after the crisis. Are you too?

If you've landed in this post, you may be considering how you can use artificial intelligence for your sales. You probably have a few basic questions first because just because you're open to technology doesn't mean you should rush into it, right?

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Predictive Sales Software Erkenntnisse

Five Facts from our Predictive Sales Software that you probably don't know

Here are five interesting facts we discovered while analyzing sales transactions of B2B companies.

Are you interested in learning from your sales data? Artificial intelligence makes sales teams truly data-driven, while offering exciting insights. Learn what other companies have discovered with us now!

How did we get to these interesting facts? Using our Predictive Sales-AI software. Our AI-based predictive sales software analyzes sales transaction data and generates accurate customer behaviour predictions (cross-selling potential, pricing, and churn risks).

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