What you get:
An introduction to modern B2B Sales Analytics: methods, best practices, results.
An overview of customer analysis based on sales data: Customer churn, price analysis, lead scoring & cross-selling.
An evaluation of sales data – How to assess data quality?
A common understanding within your team about your possibilities with predictive sales.
An analysis of your situation: challenges & goals.
A roadmap on how to start implementing Predictive Sales Analytics in your company.
What is “Sales Analytics Discovery Workshop”?
In this half-day workshop, the Qymatix experts will give you an insight into the basics of Predictive Sales Analytics, machine learning and its methods. Afterwards, your B2B company and your sales situation will be in focus. What are your problems, which problems should you prioritise and how can predictive sales analytics help you.
When is “Qymatix Discovery Workshop” ideal for you?
You want to discuss your sales vision with AI experts.
You are looking for examples of the successful application of AI in B2B sales.
You want to create an acceptance of AI in sales.
You want to evaluate your sales data & data quality professionally.
You want to make data-driven decisions in sales.
You have many ideas. You want to make your company successful with AI step by step: Prioritizing AI projects.
“The Qymatix Discovery Workshop helped us to create a common understanding of AI in B2B sales. This gave us more security regarding an investment in AI and Predictive Analytics”." use_theme_fonts="yes"]
Operational Product Manager Webshop – Voith Group
A clear AI Roadmap: focus on what you need next.
Talk to the Qymatix AI experts. Use our long-time experience with AI in B2B sales for your advantage.
Familiarize yourself with the IT landscape required to implement predictive analytics in your company using AI.
Minimise the risks involved in implementing AI.
Would you like to talk with us?
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