
Your Sales Role Defines your Customer Analysis Needs

Tell us what your function is and we will tell you what kind of sales analysis you need.

Sales Manager

Your role is critical to the success of your business, but it is typically one of the least understood roles within a sales structure. Sales Managers play strictly a management and not a “super-salesperson” role and are responsible for critical decisions of hiring, coaching, controlling how your sales team performs, while engaging also in other strategic areas of their business.

In this role, you still need to help your sales team to spot opportunities with existing B2B customers.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

AI Data Visualization for Advanced Sales Analytics

Understand your sales data and achieve a much higher business success through an intelligent visualization from Qymatix AI.

Sales Analytics Visualization

“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.” That is how Qymatix works. With only one sales data visualisation you can directly access all critical information available at any time: where are the Low-Hanging Fruits, Cross-Selling Quick Wins, Customers at Risk of Churning and Price Setting Potential. Sales managers are now able to implement and track the most appropriate sales KPI and to measure the overall status of existing customers, segmented turnover and profitability and new customer acquisition.

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Predictive Score Model Template

What is a Predictive Score Model in B2B Sales? How Can You Create Yours?

A predictive score model is a formula to calculate a probability.

There is a 70% chance that you will read this entire article. How do I know this? Because I used a predictive score model. The score is the probability of you reading to the end of the article (or one minus the likelihood that you will not – the exact opposite).

My example in the paragraph above is a well-known application of predictive analytics in marketing. The most common examples in business-to-business (B2B) sales are lead scoring, churn (or customer attrition), cross-selling, and pricing.

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Partnership Qymatix Predictive Sales and Orbis AG

New Partnership between Qymatix Solutions GmbH and ORBIS AG


Karlsruhe, 10.02.2022. Qymatix Solutions GmbH cooperates with ORBIS AG. ORBIS supports medium-sized companies as well as international corporations in the digitalization of their business processes. The goal of the partnership is to accelerate the adoption of new AI technologies with the Qymatix Predictive Sales Software. Artificial intelligence "out-of-the-box", instead of long AI projects.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

How To Use Artificial Intelligence for Sales Planning with Qymatix

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software is one of the most effective machine learning tools for sales planning. Artificial Intelligence for your business success.

Why should you use Qymatix Software for your sales planning? We give you three reasons: 1. You can focus on the most important sales metrics. 2. You can accelerate your B2B sales cycle. 3. Your sales team can work more efficiently and save resources through data-based prioritisation.

How does Qymatix Sales Planning Software work?

Qymatix is a pioneer in predictive sales analytics and a leading provider in this segment of sales acceleration tools. Qymatix helps B2B companies transform data into actionable insights that enable profitable growth.

Using Qymatix AI-based Predictive Sales Software, sales leaders can now analyse and strength their pricing strategies, find cross-selling opportunities, predict customer churn and rapidly expand the sales planning capabilities of their legacy CRM and ERP systems.

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Predictive Analytics in B2B: 3 Ideen für Vertriebsleiter

Are you a sales manager with Big Data? Here are three Predictive Analytics examples for B2B

With predictive analytics, big data becomes a big opportunity for B2B sales managers. This significant opportunity requires, however, a profound understanding of the sales situation, coupled with an understanding of big data mining models available.


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How Predictive Sales is Transforming the KPIs You Must Be Measuring

A straightforward question: is your sales team using the same sales performance KPI they did five years ago? If your answer is yes, you better watch out, you might not be using the right KPIs.


Of course, sales per quarter and sales quota attainment are still sensible KPIs to measure. However, total revenues or sales vs quota are lagging indicators. They are “slow KPIs” in the nowadays dynamics B2B sales world. They come way too late.

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Business Intelligence in Tools in B2B Sales: Make or Buy?

B2B sales intelligence - should you make or buy your tool?

With the cost of sales sky-rocketing and customers changing their buying behaviour, sales intelligence has become critical to the success of any company.

This situation is especially evident in Business-to-Business, where the cost of sales makes takes the top red of each income statement.
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Customer Analytics, Kundenanalyse, Kundenwert

Predictive Customer Analytics: From customer analysis to customer value

Customer analytics with predictive analytics can provide valuable information for sales activities.

Do you really know your customers - and not only the large-scale customers? Successful Customer Analytics should provide you with all the critical information about your customers. What are their preferences? How do they shop?

Using customer data, predictive analytics can determine individual opportunities for offers and subsequently determine the value of a customer.

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B2B Customer Journey Management

How to improve your B2B Customer Journey with Predictive Analytics

About the b2b Customer Journey Management and how Predictive Analytics can help.

Predictive analytics, customer-centric selling, and optimization of the customer journey (CJ) have long been part of everyday life in the B2C sector. In the B2B industry, things look somewhat different. First projects are starting, the theory has already been heard and understood - but there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the concrete implementation.

That is no wonder. There are some fundamental differences between the B2C and B2B sector. For example, business customers often have higher expectations of the business relationship. It is more important for salespeople to build a personal relationship with their customers and to know their customers.

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