
How to use software for customer churn to improve customer retention - Qymatix Example

Reduction of customer attrition by implementing a churn prediction software in your sales reporting

Understanding and avoiding customer churn ( or attrition) in Business-to-Business(B2B) organisations can make the difference between a successful financial year or a miserable one.

Every experienced sales leader knows that some customers will eventually churn. Studies in the field of customer retention talk of a 5 to 25 % customer churn per year, depending on the industry. Customer attrition is revenue lost.

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Vertriebsleiter über die neue B2B-Landschaft

What Salespeople Need to Know About the New B2B Landscape

“What Salespeople Need to Know About the New B2B Landscape” is a terrific article published in 2015 in the Harvard Business Review (HBR).

HBR released it in the background of a peaked interest in analytics and big data. It discussed how these new technologies would change the B2B sales profession.

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Predictive analytics - how much data do you really need?

How Much Data Do You Need For Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics is one of the technologies with the highest financial impact in B2B sales. Several popular applications of predictive analytics are becoming “must-have” nowadays.

Sales leaders rely on lead scoring, customer attrition modelling, cross-selling analytics and pricing analytics to prioritise their sales activities and increase their customer lifetime value.

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predictive analytics in construction

Predictive Analytics in B2B E-commerce: A customer acquisition example

Predictive Analytics - Opportunities for new customer acquisition in B2B e-commerce using the example of an Austrian construction supplier.Mr Haunschmid, please introduce yourself to our readers.My name is Thomas Haunschmid, and I live in Lower Austria.

As "Business Manager E-commerce" I work daily with new trends and strategies to improve and optimise the buying experience of our B2B customers.

There is one trend that Business Managers cannot avoid in E-Commerce these days: the systematic use of data to optimise product and sales strategies.

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Predictive Sales Analytics Software | Qymatix Predictive Sales New Release


With the valuable input from partners and customers, Qymatix has released an improved version of its predictive sales analytics product.

The new version of the SaaS brings together extensive research in the field of predictive sales analytics and front-end usability. Sales leaders in Business-to-Business will benefit with an easy-to-use and easy to understand self-service predictive sales analytics software. Users do not need their IT department to perform advanced sales analytics and will no longer suffer “spreadsheet misery” during sales reporting.
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How a Poor Lead Scoring Methodology is Hurting your Business.

Classic Pipeline Management & Lead Scoring vs Predictive Analytics

Sales in Business-to-Business is dramatically changing. Personal contacts and relationships are no longer a guarantee for more business. Pure push strategies are losing its shine. Marketing is critical than ever.

The balance of power between buyers and sales representatives has gone all the way back. Buyers are now masters of product search and vendor selection. Competition? Ubiquitous.

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