Predictions by AI - Is Your Job in Danger?


Which Jobs Can be Taken Over by Artificial Intelligence?

We believe that the skills that mainly revolve around making predictions may be replaceable by machines. Is your job one of them? This blog article presents four implications of AI in the world of work, showing who needs to fear for their job and who can relax in the long run.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

How To Use Artificial Intelligence for Sales Planning with Qymatix

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software is one of the most effective machine learning tools for sales planning. Artificial Intelligence for your business success.

Why should you use Qymatix Software for your sales planning? We give you three reasons: 1. You can focus on the most important sales metrics. 2. You can accelerate your B2B sales cycle. 3. Your sales team can work more efficiently and save resources through data-based prioritisation.

How does Qymatix Sales Planning Software work?

Qymatix is a pioneer in predictive sales analytics and a leading provider in this segment of sales acceleration tools. Qymatix helps B2B companies transform data into actionable insights that enable profitable growth.

Using Qymatix AI-based Predictive Sales Software, sales leaders can now analyse and strength their pricing strategies, find cross-selling opportunities, predict customer churn and rapidly expand the sales planning capabilities of their legacy CRM and ERP systems.

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How Predictive Sales is Transforming the KPIs You Must Be Measuring

A straightforward question: is your sales team using the same sales performance KPI they did five years ago? If your answer is yes, you better watch out, you might not be using the right KPIs.


Of course, sales per quarter and sales quota attainment are still sensible KPIs to measure. However, total revenues or sales vs quota are lagging indicators. They are “slow KPIs” in the nowadays dynamics B2B sales world. They come way too late.

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Häufigste Fragen Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics: Questions and Answers

This article answers the most asked questions about predictive analytics (PA), according to Google. Predictive analytics is a technology that allows you to look into the future.

Especially in the last two to three years, we have noticed a significant increase in interest in predictive analytics technologies, their possibilities, and their functionalities.

In 2015, we tried to find out what was frequently searched in the area ofpredictive analytics. Other than the question “What is predictive analytics?” no beneficial results came up.

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b2b pricing analytics

Pricing in B2B: will AI replace salespeople?

When will AI replace Sales Jobs in Pricing, and what can you do about it.

Will AI replace sales jobs? Short answer: no. Long answer: it depends.

Artificial intelligence replaces skills and tasks, not people. While AI for sales might be overhyped now, it still follows known rules of innovation. If some technology takes decades to change the way we work, it cannot be considered disruptive. Advances in AI are slowly eroding the bulk of manual pricing processes.

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Artificial Intelligence in b2b sales

Qymatix supports international research project in sales and artificial intelligence


Karlsruhe, 18.11.2021. Qymatix supports an exciting international research project: Three researchers from three different universities have joined forces for a joint research project: "Success in sales through the use of artificial intelligence (AI)".

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Die Macht der Daten

B2B Predictive Analytics - Successful Data Management

How to make data work for your B2B sales team while avoiding common pitfalls in data management

We can associate power with strength, force and influence, but also with destruction and violence - the typical two sides of a coin.

Sayings like “data is the new oil” or “data is a valuable asset” are on everyone’s lips in the age of Big Data. These statements might hide a profound truth, nevertheless. If used rightly, data is worth its weight in gold for a company.

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All About ERP Data Mining for Sales

Data Mining in ERP for Sales - All About It!

ERP Data Mining: what we learnt from analysing 100 million of B2B sales transactions.

Data mining is the application of a varied assortment of statistical techniques to ERP datasets. Companies nowadays use data mining to predict outcomes, identify sales trends, prevent customer churn, and dynamically adjust pricing strategies.

Mining enterprise resource planning (ERP) sales data is critical in Business-To-Business, where small improvements in sales efficiency can have a significant impact on results. Mining ERP sales data helps customers to unlock a significant amount of value, discover quick-wins, and to prioritise their sales activities. Automatizing this process is possible today with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

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AI Champions BW

Qymatix is the winner of the "AI-Champions BW 2021 Award"

Qymatix receives the "AI-Champions BW 2021" award from Minister Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut in Stuttgart.

Stuttgart, 26.07.2021
The "AI-Champions BW 2021" award ceremony took place for the second time in a hybrid event in Stuttgart. State Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut announced the nine winners in three categories on site: Research Institutions, Companies with more than 500 Employees and Companies with less than 500 Employees.

Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut was particularly keen to attend the event in person, as she sees artificial intelligence as a key technology for the state of Baden-Württemberg.
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data driven decision versus intuition

Data-driven Management - has Intuition had its day?

Which decisions are better? Intuitive decisions from the gut or rational decisions based on data and facts?

This question occupies countless researchers, and there is still no clear answer. Currently, in the age of big data, data mining and digitization, the importance of data for a business is undeniable. In the business world, executives prefer analytically sound decisions. They are verifiable, justifiable, and data can explain them.

In reality, however, the situation is different.

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