Business Intelligence und künstliche Intelligenz

Artificial Intelligence vs Business Intelligence - What is really self-service business analytics?

The difference between Business Intelligence (BI) and Self-Service BI and why Qymatix Predcitive Sales Software is not a traditional Self-Service BI solution.

2018 said Carlie J. Idoine, Research Director at Gartner:
"The trend of digitalization is driving the demand for analysis in all areas of modern business and administration.”

That's right. Not only large companies and big players, but also more and more SMEs have recognised the value of data analysis: Data-supported decisions to achieve corporate goals.

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Generate Extra Sales With Cross-Selling and Artificial Intelligence.

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software leverages customer data to make product recommendations that maximize Cross-selling conversion rates.

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KI und Ethik

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Why AI Needs an Ethical Basis | Part 2

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Part 2 of 2: an in-depth plea for an ethical basis in the field of AI by our Qymatix guest author David Wolf.

If you want to read Part 1 first, click here.

Ethics in Conversational AI: What should a bot do, and what should it not do?

Artificial intelligence is like other things in life: just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. One example of this is conversational AI and, in particular, chatbots. Chatbots can be helpful in marketing, service and support. For example, these digital helpers automate a website's interaction with visitors to create an optimal user experience and quickly and efficiently handle customer inquiries even when there are no longer any flesh-and-blood employees sitting in front of the computer. But: Who pays attention to ethical aspects when developing chatbots?
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AI and Ethics

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Why AI Needs an Ethical Basis | Part 1

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Part 1 of 2: a very well-researched and in-depth article by our Qymatix guest author David Wolf.

Whether in production, marketing, sales or logistics - artificial intelligence optimizes processes and takes over routine tasks. People also hope for better, i.e. more objective, decisions from AI.

That is where it gets tricky. How can machines "decide" objectively if those who develop the algorithms cannot? A plea for the ethical evaluation of AI based on its respective impact on society.
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Retain Customers | Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

Retain Customers with Artificial Intelligence - Churn Prediction

Reduce customer churn and attrition with Qymatix Predictive Sales Software.

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sap preispolitik automatisieren

Artificial Intelligence in SAP R3, ECC and HANA

The differences between SAP R3 and S4 HANA - and how SAP automates pricing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionise B2B sales. One of the companies at the forefront of AI adoption is SAP, a global software corporation that provides enterprise software (ERP) to manage business operations and customer relations.

In this blog post, we will explore the role of AI in SAP's products and services and discuss how the company uses AI to automate pricing and sales analytics.
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Artificial intelligence in B2B Sales. New Challenges – New Opportunities.

One interesting read about the use of artificial intelligence in B2B sales.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining relevance in Business-to-Business (B2B) sales. Research shows that investment in the development and integration of AI and, in particular, machine learning, technology is continuing to rise.

More money pours today into AI enterprise projects than ever before. Companies should try to avoid vagueness and lack of focus on their aims and expectations, to prevent the costly failure of their AI developments – too often a cause of failure.

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Human and/or machine - Why we are afraid of AI: The ELIZA effect.

Does your robot vacuum cleaner have a name? Have you ever thought that Alexa has a sense of humour or Siri is having a bad day? And if Google Maps gets it wrong once and directs you right into a traffic jam, is that forgivable because it's a Monday? Or maybe you're just happy to see the friendly ATM that says "Thank you for visiting" and wishes you a nice day? All of this can be summarized under the "ELIZA effect".

In this blog article, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon and evaluate what impact the humanization of AI has on our interaction with this new technology.

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Künstliche Intelligenz in der Arbeitswelt - ist Deutschland zu skeptisch?

Is Germany too Sceptical for Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace?

There is a prejudice that the working world in Germany is mainly fearful and skeptical of a future with artificial intelligence. Is that really a prejudice or a fact?

Are you familiar with the term "German Angst"? It describes the fact that people in Germany are very reserved and sceptical about change. Misgivings often characterize our actions, and since the term is used internationally, this "fear of change" is perceived to be much more pronounced in our nation than in other countries.

The term "German Angst" also comes up again and again in specialist discussions about the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of work. There is a prejudice that Germany approaches a future with AI mainly with fear and scepticism. AI visionaries and startups look longingly across the ocean toward the US because its attitudes seem more liberal, innovation-friendly and, not least, more spendy.
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Qymatix Predictive Sales Software Winter Release

Implement Artificial Intelligence Today with the New Release of the Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

Maximise Customer Lifetime Value with automated Cross-Selling, Churn and Pricing recommendations using Qymatix Predictive Sales Software.

Karlsruhe, 24.11.2022. Qymatix Solutions GmbH has been helping manufacturers and wholesalers to increase customer lifetime value using artificial intelligence and predictive sales analytics since 2013.

Qymatix Solutions GmbH is launching a new version of its Predictive Sales Software (Software-as-a-Service). It is based on the latest research on the topics: Predictive Analytics for CRM systems, Advanced ERP Data Mining and Machine Learning for precise predictions. In summary, in the latest version of the software, the user experience is significantly optimized and the accuracy of the predictive models for B2B sales is more precise. Through which features these optimizations were made, the Qymatix development team describes as follows:

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