Verhalten im Umgang mit Algorithmen

Our paradoxical behaviour in dealing with algorithms

Human behaviour towards algorithms in everyday life, based on the book "Hello World - What algorithms can do and how they change our lives" by Hannah Fry.

A few words in advance about the book. Hannah Fry believes "Algorithms are everywhere, and it's time to understand them." A statement I agree with 100 per cent. And that's what her work is about.

The author manages to shed light on the world of algorithms in a very entertaining way and in easy words.
Each chapter starts with an exciting example from the real or fictional world to illustrate algorithms' aspects or problems.

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data driven decision versus intuition

Data-driven Management - has Intuition had its day?

Which decisions are better? Intuitive decisions from the gut or rational decisions based on data and facts?

This question occupies countless researchers, and there is still no clear answer. Currently, in the age of big data, data mining and digitization, the importance of data for a business is undeniable. In the business world, executives prefer analytically sound decisions. They are verifiable, justifiable, and data can explain them.

In reality, however, the situation is different.

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B2B Unternehmen Predictive Sales Analytics

Why B2B companies need to start with predictive analytics now

Predictive analytics applications are essential in B2B companies but not yet urgent. Here you find out why this situation makes it the best time for B2B companies to start.

How far have AI and predictive analytics applications established themselves in the German B2B corporate world in 2021? Where is the trend heading, and what can we learn from the "Urgent-and-Important-Matrix"?

If you landed in this post, you probably know what predictive analytics (PA) is, how it relates to artificial intelligence and what benefits you can expect. If not, then we recommend reading this post first.
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Verkaufsprognosen erstellen

How to create accurate sales forecasts.

You will learn here what options are available for making sales forecasts - with good results.

If you work in (or with) sales at a B2B company, you have almost certainly been asked your opinion on future sales. Something like, "How much do you think you'll sell in the next quarter?"

Does that make sense? Do many salespeople's rough estimates produce good sales forecasts? Be curious.
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Predictive Sales Software Erkenntnisse

Five Facts from our Predictive Sales Software that you probably don't know

Here are five interesting facts we discovered while analyzing sales transactions of B2B companies.

Are you interested in learning from your sales data? Artificial intelligence makes sales teams truly data-driven, while offering exciting insights. Learn what other companies have discovered with us now!

How did we get to these interesting facts? Using our Predictive Sales-AI software. Our AI-based predictive sales software analyzes sales transaction data and generates accurate customer behaviour predictions (cross-selling potential, pricing, and churn risks).

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Predictive Analytics Fakten

Four facts about predictive analytics that you should know today

Predictive Analytics and AI - If you want to use this technology, you should first understand it.

If you keep up to date with new technologies, you have undoubtedly come across several professional articles about Predictive Analytics (PA).

According to the Harvard Business Review, experts agree that predictive analytics delivers a significant gain from your data: actionable information. Precise forecasts are the holy grail for sales decisions in the B2B sector.

But anyone who wants to use predictive analytics profitably should also understand it. For this reason, we have compiled four facts about PA that are often underestimated or ignored in practice.

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Badass Data Analytics B2B

Badass Sales Analytics for B2B-Companies

Get to know 5 Badass Sales Analytics Hacks for large and medium-sized B2B companies.

Do you know the following situation? You work for a B2B manufacturer or wholesaler, and you have some bright minds in your IT department. Data projects are a dime a dozen: in individual departments, across departments (maybe a new CRM?) and some IT people even try to create "THE ONE data analysis".

Nevertheless, nothing works. The efforts do not pay off measurably, and the analyses wither away in archives.
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b2b sales trends

B2B Sales Trends - What Really Matters

What are essential trends in B2B sales and how to succeed in this flood of innovation?

B2B Sales is fighting an innovation race. Sales managers often have to decide whether they want to engage in a new "sales trend" or not. Which new sales channels should they consider? Which supporting IT programs implement? Which new methods are adopted and which are not?

According to Gartner, purchasing behaviour in the B2B sector is adapting to today's fast and innovative economy. During this "big data" age of new technologies and rising customer expectations, companies should not stick for too long to old structures. In short, a stagnating company cannot survive in such a dynamic market.

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B2B Customer Journey Management

How to improve your B2B Customer Journey with Predictive Analytics

About the b2b Customer Journey Management and how Predictive Analytics can help.

Predictive analytics, customer-centric selling, and optimization of the customer journey (CJ) have long been part of everyday life in the B2C sector. In the B2B industry, things look somewhat different. First projects are starting, the theory has already been heard and understood - but there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the concrete implementation.

That is no wonder. There are some fundamental differences between the B2C and B2B sector. For example, business customers often have higher expectations of the business relationship. It is more important for salespeople to build a personal relationship with their customers and to know their customers.

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Predictive Analytics: Three incredible future examples you should know about

Predictive Analytics: Three incredible future examples you should know about

Three Possible future scenarios in unexpected application areas of Predictive Analytics.

Let's explain the function of Predictive Analytics (PA) in simple terms: A software uses algorithms to analyze existing data and calculate probabilities of future events.

Due to big data and advances in technology, predictive analytics is becoming increasingly accurate and can predict events with an astonishing hit rate.

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