Predicting Pricing | Preispolitik mit KI

How to Improve your Pricing Policy with AI – Predicting Pricing


Most companies in the B2B sector have so far adjusted their prices based on factors such as production costs, competitive prices and supply and demand.

Especially in the current situation, both wholesalers and manufacturers are struggling with rising raw material prices. How can you pass on such a price increase without losing all your customers?

Dynamic pricing through AI-based predictive analytics, acts on a pricing strategy where companies can additionally adjust their prices for products and services based on the current customer and market situation. Thus, it is possible to make individual price adjustments per customer and product.

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Onlinekurs Predicting Cross- & Up-Selling

How to Realise Sales Potential with Cross- & Up-Selling in B2B Sales.


Cross-selling (also known as cross-selling) the sale of an additional product or service to an existing customer. Targeted and individually adapted to the needs of the customer, cross-selling increases customer satisfaction and is a service-oriented way to increase turnover.

"Cross-selling" offers a possibility to use internal synergy potentials and to open up rapid, attractive growth opportunities.
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Kundenabwanderung Definition und Verringerung mit Predictive Analytics

How to Define and Reduce Customer Churn in B2B Sales


Customer churn in B2B refers to a portion of subscribers or contract customers who change suppliers during a certain period of time. In B2B practice, some churn goes unnoticed for a long time or is only detected when it is already too late.

Have you ever wondered how you can reduce the likelihood of churn and target B2B loyalty programmes?
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Qymatix Academy B2B Vertrieb der Zukunft - Einfluss der Digitalisierung

The Future of B2B Sales - How Digitalisation influences Sales


High-quality technology and predictive sales software are the future of B2B sales. In the next five years, more and more companies will change the way they work through digitalisation and the use of new sales analytics software.

Digitisation that is customised to businesses is now part of the foundation of every company and lays the groundwork for success.
If you are interested in the impact and influence of digitalisation in B2B sales, then register for the following course: "B2B Sales of the Future - Influence of Digitalisation".

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Predictive Analytics - was es ist und wie man startet

Predictive Analytics in B2B Sales - What it is and how to get Started

Predictive analytics technologies are becoming increasingly popular and are already being used today, especially by wholesalers and manufacturers in business-to-business (B2B) sales.

Perhaps you have already made some elaborate attempts to implement predictive sales analytics with Excel or other spreadsheet programmes. Then you've come to the right place.

Predictive Sales Analytics is a modern technology to look into the future of your sales. Using machine learning methods, Predictive Sales Analytics allows you to make accurate sales forecasts: Customer churn forecasts, cross-selling forecasts and dynamic pricing.

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Künstliche Intelligenz Software Entwicklungskosten

Artificial Intelligence Software Development: The True Costs.

The question is no longer "if" a B2B company will implement artificial intelligence (AI), but "how".

AI tools enable more efficient work in many areas. B2B sales is no exception. Artificial Intelligence Sales Software saves time, stress and costs, while improving customer lifetime value and experience.

Companies that do NOT adopt AI-powered tools will be significantly more inefficient than their competitors and will be left behind.

Since you are here, my guess is that your already know that. For that reason, let’s focus on the “make or buy” decision and park the benefits of AI-powered software in another article.

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kostenloser Online-Kurs über KI und maschinelles Lernen im B2B-Vertrieb

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can Help in B2B Sales

Expand your expertise on the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in B2B sales.

You want to tap your potential in B2B sales and have got a taste of AI through applications like ChatGPT? Various applications of artificial intelligence are gaining strong popularity - also in the B2B sector.

The benefits of AI in business practice are undeniable. But despite this, there is still a lot of ambiguity surrounding the topic of "artificial intelligence", so it is not easy to grasp.

In the Qymatix online course on "the Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in B2B Sales", you will learn what exactly AI and machine learning are all about and how such systems can support sales.

Note: the course is only available in german language.

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AI Washing: AI or not AI, That is the Question

What is AI Washing? How bad is it? How can you prove it, and what can companies do about it?

"AI Washing" is a company's marketing effort to advertise that their products or services contain artificial intelligence, even though this is only weakly the case, if at all.

"As AI accelerates up the Hype Cycle, many software providers are looking to stake their claim in the biggest gold rush in recent years," says Jim Hare, research vice president at Gartner. "AI offers exciting opportunities, but unfortunately most vendors are focused on the goal of simply developing and marketing an AI-based product, rather than first identifying the need, potential uses and business value to customers."

Gartner analysts see "AI Washing" as one of the main problems hindering the actual development and adoption of AI in enterprises. How can sales executives trust a vendor?

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KI und Predictive Analytics im B2B-Vertrieb Qymatix Academy

Qymatix Academy celebrates its Relaunch

Learn online everything about AI in sales and the successful use of predictive sales analytics at the Qymatix Academy. Save 50 % on all courses with the code SELLSMART! (Courses only available in German language)

Karlsruhe, 27.04.2023. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is pleased to announce that its Qymatix Academy has been relaunched. The Academy now features an improved UX design with additional newly recorded videos. In each course, participants will also receive clear scripts that summarise the content. After the final quiz, participants acquire a certificate for each course!

Qymatix Solutions GmbH wants to share the knowledge and practical experience of AI in sales through the Qymatix Academy. The content combines the two specialist areas of "artificial intelligence & predictive analytics" and "B2B sales management or sales practice".
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How to automate Forecasting Processes in B2B Sales Controlling

How to Successfully Automate Forecasting Processes in B2B Sales Controlling?

Properly applied, forecasts in sales controlling are essential for B2B companies. Nevertheless, they often fail. This article discusses why they fail and how you can use predictions successfully.

Next to reporting, forecasts are one of the main tasks in B2B controlling. Some B2B companies waste valuable resources on forecasting processes, which are not used as they should be.

If you have landed in this article, you have already realised the benefits of successfully deployed sales forecasts. Feel free to check out this article if you need to be made aware of its benefits.
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