Vertriebscontrolling ohne excell

Why it is an awful idea to use Excel for sales reporting and what you can do about it


Sales reporting is the foundation of successful sales and operations planning, controlling and analysis. It covers the process of selecting, analysing and sharing the most relevant KPIs across a sales team and a B2B organisation.

Successful companies know that sales reporting and controlling are only a means to an end. They serve to analyse, prioritise, communicate and ultimately bring teams together.
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Umsatzwachstum: Kundenbindung als Booster im B2B

Customer Attrition in B2B: loyalty as a sales growth booster

Predictive analytics for customer retention plays a critical role to accelerate sales in Business-to-Business.

Building customer loyalty successfully and efficiently is what makes business-to-business companies thriving on the long-term. These market leaders actively engage in customer retention prediction. In the end, reliability lives from common purpose, and not from passive “wait and see”.

Furthermore, for companies that are focused on achieving stable and foreseeable sales growth, B2B loyalty programs are unavoidable. Nobody can reliably grow a customer base in the absence of customer retention predictions.

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Strength in price setting is your profit driver number one

The Impact of Pricing Analytics on your company earnings.

Everybody knows, B2B pricing analytics represents one of the most critical levers to boost earnings. Still, this reality is a sometimes-overlooked fact in Business-to-Business (B2B).

However, getting B2B pricing right can represent both financial success and substantial competitive advantage. Pricing is not only a driving factor in for-profits, but it also impacts how customers and markets perceive brands.
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Sales Reporting Software

What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today

Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B.

Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations. Companies can no longer underestimate its importance.

The sales reporting should include the most critical key performance indicators (KPI) of the sales force. You should reduce the number of KPI to the minimum possible.

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Umsatzrentabilität B2B steigern

How to calculate and increase return on sales with predictive analytics?

How can B2B manufacturing and distribution increase return on sales (ROS) using strategic sales controlling and predictive sales?

Is there a sales and marketing KPI that manufacturing and industrial distribution companies can use to measure the efficiency of their teams? Yes, there is, The Return on Sales or ROS.

Sales executives also define ROS as a net profit rate. It tells a company how much of every dollar it takes in turns into profit.
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Key Metrics for Successful B2B Sales Teams in Digital Times – Five Unmissable Tips with Examples

Sales productivity metrics and key performance indicators for B2B Sales teams.

Managing a sales team in B2B (Business-to-Business) is a challenging job. The endless list of task and responsibilities sales managers are getting nowadays makes it exciting and stressing at the same time.

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wie man die datenqualität verbessert

If Your Data Is Bad, Your Sales AI Tools Are Useless

The impact of poor data quality in business analytics and artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily advancing in B2B sales. AI is changing the way customers are buying and therefore how salespeople should work.

The gathering of data, its quality, the source systems, all play a central role in the implementation of AI in Sales. Poor data quality may be hard to measure, but it takes an essential part in the application and execution of artificial intelligence systems and predictive analytics.

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One Secret? There are at Least Three Pressing Reasons Why Predictive Sales Analytics Cannot Wait Until Tomorrow

Predictive analytics covers a variety of statistical algorithms from machine learning, predictive modelling and data mining. It analyses past facts and historical data to make predictions about events and to identify the likelihood of future outcomes. Predictive analytics has been around for years, but it was impractical in large-scale sales settings due to an inadequate data analysis infrastructure.

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How B2B Data Analytics is Changing Sales

How Big Data and Advanced Analytics Are Revolutionizing Sales in B2B, and What Managers Should Know About It.

B2B customer buying experience is radically changing. This trend has led to dramatic changes in the sales profession over the past decade.

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change”, wrote Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in Frankenstein. Sales management in B2B is experiencing an abrupt and rapid transformation.

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The Case for AI in B2B Sales

Why artificial intelligence in B2B sales is unavoidable and what you can do about it.

Adapt or die – a fact of life for B2B sales nowadays. Key Account Managers know this too well, for they have very different tasks and jobs, as compared with just ten years ago.

E-commerce is by no means just a new sales channel. Order-takers roles will disappear in the next decade. This shift in skills will strongly influence how salespeople are selected and how they perform. Also, artificial intelligence impacts the role of B2B sales.

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