Salesforce brake: CRM


CRM or Customer Relationship Management refers to a company philosophy that is primarily pointed towards the customer. Almost all companies use special software solutions, but the fewest systems truly fulfil their function. Why this is the case, explains Ingo Sievert, Managing Director of SP Integration GmbH in conversation with Helmut König.


Helmut König: Mr Sievert, what is important for a CRM system to satisfy its original function?

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"The digital transformation in sales is a curse and a blessing at the same time."

How to find Salespeople? Look for newcomers to sales! Qymatix Expert Interview.

Jana Mallah - Recruitment Specialist - Thema Group - Partner in Life Science Recruitment

Dear Ms., Mallah, please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Jana Mallah. I'm in my early thirties. I studied biochemistry, and after completing my master, I decided to do my PhD at the Max-Plank-Institute in Dortmund.

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Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die by E. Siegel

Top 5 Predictive Analytics Books To Move The Needle in B2B Sales


Predictive Sales Analytics is a game-changing technology in B2B sales. Any organisation trying to rein in erratic sales funnel, to improve the performance of their sales force or to avoid customers from churning, should have a clear understanding of predictive analytics.

Sales leaders need to grasp the applications, the benefits and the limitations of predictive analytics. They should be able to define the scope of a predictive analytics project and to calculate its return on investment (ROI). Sales executives do not need to become data scientists; they need to understand the possibilities and limitations of the data science methodology for predictive analytics.

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How Digital Transformation Is Dramatically Affecting Business Development

Qymatix Expert Interview: Quo Vadis Business Development?

Iris Maaß - Manager for International Business Development & Marketing BU Technology TÜV NORD GROUP

Ms Maaß, please introduce yourself to our readers.

I am married and live in my adopted home Hannover. I started my career in the baking industry. Afterwards, I got a diploma in language, economic and cultural studies in Passau. With this, I worked in various location in international sales in telecommunications before reaching the Testing Inspection Certification (TIC) unit of TÜV NORD.

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Qymatix expands its Predictive Software with Pricing Analytics Features.


How can you deploy your winning pricing strategy without a great pricing software?

Karlsruhe, 17.04.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is helping since 2013 B2B companies to become more efficient using predictive sales analytics.

Successful sales executives recognise that, by far, the most effective lever for earnings improvement is strength in pricing strategies.

However, a transparent pricing policy and an optimal pricing strategy are expensive to analyse and enforce in Business-to-Business.

Sales teams lack the tools and software in the day-to-day business to implement pricing policy among their customers efficiently.

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Sales 4.0: Sales is dead! Long live to sales!


Some developments in sales during the last years require rethinking processes. This rethinking process is needed because classic sales, as we know and care for, are now condemned to extinction. The slowly dying of the old sales paradigm has consequences for the entire company.


Rethinking process 1: all company structures are customer-centric now

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Artificial Intelligence in Sales? Not interested! – Say almost a fifth of sales executives.


Our survey about the application of Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics in international B2B sales

Qymatix Solutions GmbH, together with the International School of Management, researched last year the application of Artificial Intelligence for predictive analytics in international B2B sales.

Our goal was to research the general understanding that decision-makers in B2B sales have about of artificial intelligence.

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B2B Social Media Strategy

5 Steps to an Extraordinary B2B Social Media Strategy

The use of social media has become an unavoidable component of any marketing mix for B2B companies. Particularly small businesses and Startups cannot do nowadays without Social Selling.

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How to Find Sales Superstars

Good sales people do not grow on trees. Sales managers and HR departments know this all too well. In this reading, you will get valuable tips to considerably improve your recruiting as well as the onboarding sales process.

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