
Robot Psychology: How do Humans react to Robots?

In this article, you will learn what "robot psychology" is, how people react to robot technology, and how anthropomorphism plays a role.

Almost in slow motion and deliberately, as if it had been deep in thought, it lifts its head and opens its eyelids. Brightly awake eyes in crystal blue are revealed. They are kindly turned towards their counterpart, just like its face, whose forms stand out discreetly against a snow-white sheen. But it is the facial expression, the intense inquisitive look on its face, that makes this creature truly fascinating. It bends its head towards its creator in a seemingly loving manner and asks him in a velvety voice about the events of the world and the meaning of its existence.

"NS-5" - a fictional humanoid robot type in the science fiction movie "I, Robot" (2004) - is the only robot in this story to have an additional central processing unit for emotions in addition to its logical central processing unit. But NS-5 has yet to learn how to deal with emotions properly, how to classify and understand them...
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